Your ride today.... (part 1)

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West Somerset
We were split in groups of 4-6 initially of mixed ability and set off to do some tight group training (wheel sucking, posisition changing, leading etc). Then we were mixed again, but this time grouped with similar abilities. The slowest group went off first, then the one that was a bit faster, etc., with approx 01:30 min difference (a bit like TT lol) and each group was trying to catch up the one in front..
Needless to say that our fastest group nearly had a pick nick waiting for everybody to complete their loop! :laugh: I think next time will have to time it better. I think it would have worked better if we had timed each group before releasing the chase and possibly leaving enough time before setting off each group accordingly to make it more challenging for the fast-fast boys..
It was the first time, so there is plenty of room to improve..

Any good ideas your end?
We did a treasure hunt one year, and the secretary wants to do something where we're driven out to a random location, then split into groups and have to make our own way home, no maps or GPS. Not entirely sure what his motives are...
We did a treasure hunt one year, and the secretary wants to do something where we're driven out to a random location, then split into groups and have to make our own way home, no maps or GPS. Not entirely sure what his motives are...

Is this his idea of fun? :blink:
Oh, I would most definitely make my way to someone's home before it gets too dark, that's for sure! I am positive that someone would rescue me within a week or two.. (I would be roaming around the Swiss Alps by that time)


Legendary Member
We did a treasure hunt one year, and the secretary wants to do something where we're driven out to a random location, then split into groups and have to make our own way home, no maps or GPS. Not entirely sure what his motives are...
As someone who has no sense of direction and has actually been lost trying to get out of car parks I would be well and truely in serious difficulty. :laugh:
Classic case of common sense winning out over testosterone.

Was it testosterone that pushed me out of the door this morning then? :eek: Will I grow a beard as well? :cry:

Since HM @TheDoctor decided it was too cold for our planned ride (and I agreed mind you!) I felt like a proper wuss.. One hour later I was out, freezing my butt, but earning my scone (almond & cherry one with the smoothest cream and home made jam.. :whistle:) and tea. Something less than 21 miles and a guaranteed afternoon under the blanket methinks!


My Armchair
Just a run round the block for me. Testing my son's BSO. Saw a few roadies who ignored me. One had a number on so I smugly thought at least I did not have to pay £25 to get cold.
Would that have been the Jodrell sportive?

Did a 20 miler down the TPT to deliver my mums card, windy and cold but dry :thumbsup:
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