Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Grimpeur des terrains plats
Just a 10 - though in day light which made a nice change;

two useful points, today unlike yesterday* the roads were not an ice-rink I did not fall off!!!!

The lock I lost on the same route, on a night ride a few nights ago, I found like a 'lost glove' at one of the next villages, placed on a public bench, faith in humanity reinforced :smile:

* resulting in an abandoned cycle commute, though driving the next 4 -5 miles was equally unnerving on 4 wheels, correct decision made!
My OH wanted a Sunday morning leisure ride, so that's what he got. A leisurely ride around the rather mucky lanes of Cheshire. Not sure what was going on with some of the weekend riders but even getting a nod out of them was hard work this morning. Got better as the momring went on, so maybe they need a café stop before they can say hello to other cyclists? Or just maybe we are not considered serious enough cyclists because we have pannier racks and no clipless pedals (:laugh:) ? Anyhow after last night's rain, there were actually some clean patches to the lanes, but the lack of tarmac in places made life more interesting. I have considered reporting all of the potholes here - it could be a life-times work at the moment though and that though simply daunts me...:eek:

It was another of those days, one moment dark and overcaste with the sun behind that cloud bank and then next moment you have cycled just far enough to be back in bright sunshine on wet roads and can't see a thing...


The lanes were washed clean (in places) with the torrential rain overnight. Looking east to the pennies, however, showed that it was probably raining heavily still that way!

I did a good job of slowing my OH down considerably today - I don't feel guilty though, his last ride was last Sunday and I have covered over 200 miles since then and I am a touch tired. Part way through the ride I decided to challenge my OH to get a hello out of randomly selected cyclists. The first guy was easy - much older guy cycling by himself he grunted morning and raised a hand in acknowledgement, Said hand (& finger) could easily have been taken the wrong way, but my OH in a really good sense of humour decided that the man was 'blessing' us both rather than anything else. Always willing to see the good in people... (I think it was just a lazy hello personally but don't want to disappoint my OH :laugh:). The next cyclist was categorised as a shy lone female... we got a smile out of her but nothing more... then guy with panniers, easy to get a hello out of him.. then full blown roadie - I thought for a few moments my OH was going to fail, but he managed to get a hello out of him was well.... further on my OH nearly took out another cyclist (guy on a mtb dressed in normal clothing, but totally in black and in shade and I actually don't think my OH had seen him). My OH seems to have lost the skill to drink from him water bottle and cycle in a straight line, so as be pulled his water bottle out from its cage, he veered off to the right... I called out hello mostly to get my OH's attention - disaster avoided, but I was able to make fun of him for the rest of the ride as a result.

From there we had a slight navigationally incident...:wacko: failing to turn off a road as another cyclist approached us - I was too busy picking him as the next target for my OH to get a hello from and we cycled straight passed out turn... so we went off down the next road on the right coming across an old house (1845) with the most amazing chimney.


look at the chimney. The old school house (name of the house - 1845).


I cycle in totally black clothing, so lights on 24/7 on Cheshire country lanes...The glare was a touch bright at times today. I managed to photo it on the off part of the flash!

And then through back lanes and into Northwich to pick up our route home.
We had a little fun at the temporary traffic lights on the A49. Just as we passed them they changed to red. We know this set and there is no way we would get through before the oncoming cars started driving at us, so after the 4th car had gone through on red, we decided on the confuse the enemy approach and cycled into the coned off area on the otherside of the road and up through the (non-existent) roadworks, making it to the top of the roadworks (uphill) just as the oncoming lights changed back to red and allowing us to rejoin the road... (given I had already passed the lights on green before they changed, I personally would have carried on regardless but my OH wasn't too happy with that approach so I joined him...)


This is only from this morning's ride - I have since washed it and found a red bike !:laugh:


Legendary Member
Just an hour on the winter bike today, its first outing this town for some pressie shopping then back. Must get a shorter stem, just remembered how stretched out i am on this one.
Sunny, bright, not cold...a nice quick performed flawlessly, only had to inflate the tyres...bless it, sat there all forlornly all summer, waiting for the day....

Deleted member 1258

I was up at half seven this morn, but took one look at the rain pattering on the windows and went back to bed, got up an hour later and by ten the rain was gone, the clouds were lifting and I was getting itchy feet, by quarter past ten I was out and on my way to Shenton by the direct route, I saw two riders off the clubs training ride coming back as I left Coventry, by the time I got the other side of Astley the sun was out, lovely ride out with a strong tailwind blowing me along, got to the cafe and there were half a dozen riders off the veterans run already there, they left just after I arrived, when I left for home I was having to work a bit into the wind, I got as far as Ufton and met one of the club lads on his way to the Cafe, he'd overslept, He turned round and we rode most of the way home together, He was riding fixed same as I was but a much bigger gear, he didn't mean to but he gave me a good work out till we split up just outside Coventry, he went straight home I put an extra loop on, another good winter ride, only 40 miles but that's 85 enjoyable miles for the weekend. And half an hour after I got in the rain started again.


Just a bloke on a bike!
Took best bike (Colnago Master)out for a nice hilly loop down into Henley then up over Christmas Common then home, about hour and half in total. No idea on distance as i stopped measuring rides ages back. Lovely sunny weather all the way, bike is now plastered in mud and grime but she kind of looks cool when she's dirty :whistle:


Re member eR
It was cold and windy but did I let that stop me?
Frankly it seemed hard work from the off. I never really settled into it. The whole ride seemed like it was the first few miles when you are still getting 'into' it. When I got back my legs were aching like,................ well, aching legs.
43 miles, just under 2000ft of up, at just under 16mph


Re member eR
It was a good Saturday night though.

That's the spirit. :thumbsup: Or maybe it was the beer.


Just a bloke on a bike!
My OH wanted a Sunday morning leisure ride, so that's what he got. A leisurely ride around the rather mucky lanes of Cheshire. Not sure what was going on with some of the weekend riders but even getting a nod out of them was hard work this morning. Got better as the momring went on, so maybe they need a café stop before they can say hello to other cyclists? Or just maybe we are not considered serious enough cyclists because we have pannier racks and no clipless pedals (:laugh:) ? Anyhow after last night's rain, there were actually some clean patches to the lanes, but the lack of tarmac in places made life more interesting. I have considered reporting all of the potholes here - it could be a life-times work at the moment though and that though simply daunts me...:eek:

It was another of those days, one moment dark and overcaste with the sun behind that cloud bank and then next moment you have cycled just far enough to be back in bright sunshine on wet roads and can't see a thing...

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The lanes were washed clean (in places) with the torrential rain overnight. Looking east to the pennies, however, showed that it was probably raining heavily still that way!

I did a good job of slowing my OH down considerably today - I don't feel guilty though, his last ride was last Sunday and I have covered over 200 miles since then and I am a touch tired. Part way through the ride I decided to challenge my OH to get a hello out of randomly selected cyclists. The first guy was easy - much older guy cycling by himself he grunted morning and raised a hand in acknowledgement, Said hand (& finger) could easily have been taken the wrong way, but my OH in a really good sense of humour decided that the man was 'blessing' us both rather than anything else. Always willing to see the good in people... (I think it was just a lazy hello personally but don't want to disappoint my OH :laugh:). The next cyclist was categorised as a shy lone female... we got a smile out of her but nothing more... then guy with panniers, easy to get a hello out of him.. then full blown roadie - I thought for a few moments my OH was going to fail, but he managed to get a hello out of him was well.... further on my OH nearly took out another cyclist (guy on a mtb dressed in normal clothing, but totally in black and in shade and I actually don't think my OH had seen him). My OH seems to have lost the skill to drink from him water bottle and cycle in a straight line, so as be pulled his water bottle out from its cage, he veered off to the right... I called out hello mostly to get my OH's attention - disaster avoided, but I was able to make fun of him for the rest of the ride as a result.

From there we had a slight navigationally incident...:wacko: failing to turn off a road as another cyclist approached us - I was too busy picking him as the next target for my OH to get a hello from and we cycled straight passed out turn... so we went off down the next road on the right coming across an old house (1845) with the most amazing chimney.

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look at the chimney. The old school house (name of the house - 1845).

View attachment 34748
I cycle in totally black clothing, so lights on 24/7 on Cheshire country lanes...The glare was a touch bright at times today. I managed to photo it on the off part of the flash!

And then through back lanes and into Northwich to pick up our route home.
We had a little fun at the temporary traffic lights on the A49. Just as we passed them they changed to red. We know this set and there is no way we would get through before the oncoming cars started driving at us, so after the 4th car had gone through on red, we decided on the confuse the enemy approach and cycled into the coned off area on the otherside of the road and up through the (non-existent) roadworks, making it to the top of the roadworks (uphill) just as the oncoming lights changed back to red and allowing us to rejoin the road... (given I had already passed the lights on green before they changed, I personally would have carried on regardless but my OH wasn't too happy with that approach so I joined him...)

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This is only from this morning's ride - I have since washed it and found a red bike !:laugh:
Love the third photo down with the low sun behind the trees, really cool !


Just a bloke on a bike!
Today's ride went to @SatNavSaysStraightOn country and a trip to Delamere Forest cafe, not been there before and very much enjoyed the route.
Some very quiet peaceful if muddy lanes, which means the summer bike might be a little on the dirty side now though, 56+ miles with Mr and Mrs @400bhp

Waiting for route leader -

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Quiet roads -

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Choice of cake at the cafe -

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Instead I went for the bacon butty and coffee combination as I'm on a strict diet :whistle:

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Dirty bikes -

View attachment 34689
Love a dirty bike :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Steamed round a 40miler in mid Cheshire this morning (Tarporley, Kelsall, Delamere, waverton, tattenhall, burwardsley, Bunbury and back to tarporley) which route I haven't done since summer - Have been commuting 13 miles into Chester each day since September so haven't done much on the weekends. Managed to chip 5 mins off my best time and pick up a couple of strava top tens so pretty pleased. I'm hoping all the winter riding will pay dividends in the summer. First sportive of the year will be the Cheshire Cat towards the end of March.


The Glue that binds us together.
My other half posted this on facebook, she loves me really, anyone else done something similar.
So, Del and I go out last night to celebrate Antony Stratton's birthday and both have a few drinks. This morning Del is up bright and early to prepare for the Sunday club ride, myself, however, decide to take the 'have a lay in' option to try to lose the hangover. Del comes up to say bye and ask if I've seen his sunglasses, to which I say "I put them in your helmet as I always do" "they're not there" Del replies "well that's where I put them" I say. "Well they're not there now" he replies with his helmet on and ready to go. The morning passes and Del returns etc etc and then whilst tidying up I say "did you find your glasses anywhere ?" Del replies "yeah, they were in my helmet, got to Neros and took off me helmet and there they were inside"! He does worry me sometimes!!!
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