Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Über Member
After picking up my new bike at the weekend I've been itching to get out and see what its like but its been a bit on the icy side up here on the tops of late but couldn't resist any longer so went out for a run around the village (I told my wife). Just over 20 miles with over 2000ft of ascent and although a little (in places a lot) icy still I managed a not so bad (for me) average of 14.1mph. It also gave me an excuse to try out the Altura Varium jacket thats been doing the rounds in the found a bargain thread and I have to say its about the best 40 quid I've ever spent on cycling - very comfy, windproof, fairly warm with just a long sleeve jersey and bibs underneath but I think the best thing is how breathable it was and how long the arms are - a well designed bit of kit all round. Rubbish picture but I was getting a little chilly off the bike and the phone was balanced on a dry stone wall with the timer on so I had to keep running over the road to try to get a shot - this was the best of a really bad bunch.:blush:
My hr was all over the place on tonight's ride; I think I overdressed or it could have just been tiredness from the six hour drive Sun/Mon hitting. Despite my physical shape, it was a much better suggestion by a mate than my original plan of a wheels change (my current rear is circa 9500miles old) and a session/test on the rollers. Better go and make some food now ;-o


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I heard about that fire. I have eaten at Red Hot a couple of times with my family, and I was down with my sister for Christmas just after it happened.

While I was down, there was another restaurant fire nearby. I can't remember the name of the other establishment though.

I asked about that lift-testing tower the first time that I saw it. It didn't look like a chimney so I wondered what it was.

I've got a feeling the other fire was at an Indian place.. Red Hot is totally gutted! Shame really as the food was excellent and the daytime meals were quite cheap. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Rain all night left me wondering what I would be cycling over to my parent's in, but it had cleared up by the time I set out thankfully. Not far into my ride I have to go through what appears to be an annual semi-permanent flood just before a single lane, traffic light controlled railway bridge. It stays there for about 4-5 months of the year and there is usually a narrow strip about 20cm wide involving the central white line that is not underwater - so from a cyclists point of view this is the very best place to me - smack bang in the middle of the road. Usually I stop and wait for traffic to clear before proceeding - it is also a good way of getting cars to trigger the traffic lights for you, by letting them through in front. Today my light was on red and there was no-one behind me, but there was a taxi driver coming towards me, his lights on green, so I eased up expecting to have to stop and to my surprise he stopped and flashed me through! Boy did that take me by surprise! He got a big thank you. The rest of the ride was pretty mundane, except for a headwind and on a fast wide NSL road alongside one of the local canals, a car overtook me really slowly - very slowly, so slowly that it really caught my attention - the back said everything I needed to know "Wide load"... A look behind me confirmed this and it was a low & long loader with plenty of extra wheels as well and I had to start weighing up options, by the time the wide load would have reached me, we would be at the double bends and just as the road starts to straighten out, there is a massive hole which if there was no oncoming traffic would be exactly where he would be trying to get around me - time for Plan B: find somewhere to stop and let him get passed me. An old road junction, no defunct and bollarded over seemed the sensible baling option and I got a cheery thank you from him when he finally caught me up.

Further on and the only real photo opportunity of the ride.... those trees again and a touch of blue sky!

The ride home was uneventful except for a slight change in my normal route and for some reason an unhealthy burst of winter speed! Probably had something to do with the temperature being in double figures! Yep double figures: it was really warm on the way home 11C! Can you believe it? For some unearthly reason with 2 heavy pannniers I averaged 21.3kph! That is unheard of for a home journey in winter for me and the fastest for a long time!

Out - 35.3km
Home - 33.9km

Oh and this brings me seriously close to actually completing a strava challenge! All I have to do is ride 33km before the end of the month! Think I might do that tomorrow - what do you reckon?


World class procrastinator
First ride for a week. My last ride was last weds and I haven't been motivated to ride. The weather hasn't helped, no a quick trip to hospital being ill. Feeling a bit more human today I got the Spesh out for the first time in an age and rode him to the docs for new meds and a bit of a lecture about not taking them all at the same time.
Then we got back on our bikes and rode to Waitrose - only because its a good mile further than the co-op - and bought a pint of milk, and then rode home again. 4.95 miles in stops and starts in a whopping 34 minutes (ish, as I didn't use a bike computer just looked at my watch). It was nice to get out on the bike.
If this weather continutes - grey and relatively mild - we will commute in to work tomorrow. Its only one wee dog to walk for half an hour and it will cost more in fuel to get there than we earn. Hubby is willing so that is the plan.


Middle Earth
Just back from a LOVELY 13.5 miles.
No wind, not cold (6 degrees)....perfect.

Took the same route as yesterday as I really enjoyed it.

View of the lake at the bottom of the park, there was a light mist over it, a few hours earlier and that would have been a great photo!


And looking along the path, going into the park

I took 3 loops around the lower pathways (there's 3 levels going higher up each time).
It was muddy, wet, gravel and stones....and I loved it! It wasn't technically a trail (right?) so I was allowed! :tongue:

Oh and this may be co-incidence....but there are cycle lanes into the bottom of the park, each side of a road.
The road leads into a business park so it gets quite busy. The cars were parked all up the cycle path yesterday, both sides, and I had to cycle up the middle of the road into oncoming traffic.
I reported it to the Council and told them I was also reporting it to the Police.
Today....on the cycle path going in there were no parked cars!!! Seriously....not one car. I used the cycle path all the way into the park.
The other side still had some cars on it but not as many as yesterday. Makes you wonder eh? :smile:

Anyway, had a very pleasant cycle back home and....made it up that damn hill in one go...second time in a row!!! :wahhey:
I did sit at the bottom for 5 minutes, eat my Clementine and have a drink but I got there (albeit at walking speed).

I am now going to get some lunch :biggrin:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Only time for a quick 6.5 miles to the shops and back before work today. Shame really as the weather is good..
I ended up with 2lb of sugar, a kilo of flour, 4 pints of milk & a bhe'd have a word witn hh of bananas in my rucksak. :training:

I had a chat with a local roadsweeping chap regarding one of the best bit of bike lanes in my area. Sadly its never been swept since the main road was top dressed last year. He said he'd have a word with his guv'nor about sorting it out.

Its unrideable on my roadie!
Anyway, off to earn a crust now...:sad:
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The weather forecast said Dull, Overcast, Cloudy and Cold for today and it had rained all night as well. They were right for 25% of that - it was cold, but it was clear blue skies and sunshine when I set out and stayed that way for most of my ride and for a pleasant change, a leisure ride at that!

Ok - today had a target: I had something in my sights - my first ever completed Strava Challenge! All I needed was 33km between now and the end of the month.... So with no real plan (other than not cycling the roads I use to get to my parents' home) of where I would go to and I real idea of what I wanted to do, I set off with a pannier, a few bars, some spares & tools, a spare top and a map. A cyclist with a map is never lost, just exploring new roads!

First stop was not far away - the closest thing to a view in the immediate vicinity...


I soon found myself alongside the River Weaver where the hardcore bridlepath was much cleaner than my lane. Plenty of joggers/runners around this morning as well, all of whom said hello.

From there I just defaulted to roads I know, changed tops because I was too warm (!) and carried on until I came across this little road - it is one road name that I imagine must cause no end of confusion when trying to tell people where you live!


Soon afterwards my bike developed a strange rhythmical noise which at first I had though was something to do with a house I was passing (think of steam engine noise like chuff chuff, chuff chuff... but it got steadily worse and louder so I came to the conclusion I had to stop and investigate... A quick assessment concluded a rear wheel issue and it was not rotating freely. At this point 2 separate cyclists went passed but neither said hello or checked I was OK :sad: Further investigation revealed the cause of at least the noise and the wheel not rotating freely... the mudguard was pushing against the tyre - but why? Then the realisation that the only thing I don't carry as a 'spare' was needed.... the bolt holding the pannier rack and mudguard on on the drive side of the bike and co-incidentally the side with the pannier on it, was missing... Crap - how has that happened. It was only checked on Sunday! A quick decision was made and a water bottle cage sacrificed but the bolt is slightly too long for the drive side, so the non-drive side bolt needs to be taken off as well... whilst I was doing this, a 3rd cyclist (older gentleman) stopped and asked if I was OK and stayed talking with me whilst I fixed the bike. He was carrying spare bolts, but by this stage I already had the water bottle cage off and it found its way to the pannier...

Once fixed and back under way, we cycled together for the next 3 or 4 miles chatting before going our separate ways, but not before he had shown me a new route through a local country estate which was really pleasant and made for a nice change - so, however you were - thank you on all counts - for stopping, for asking, for nearly having to help me and for showing me a new route - I hope you enjoyed your route over to Tatton Park as well and best wishes with your recovery.

Then it was 12:00 and this means I have to stop to take my steroids, but it also gave me a chance to have a quick look at the map, a bar to eat and a "hummm" think I would be better returning 1/2 mile back down the road and taking that country lane rather than dropping directly into Northwich which I would rather avoid... So the final photo is from 'somewhere' looking over 'something Mere' and as you can see, it had clouded over by then as well.


Time for home and lunch I think! 50km or 31miles, not a fast ride, pleasant.

Now to TLC the bike, clean it and see what is wrong with my OH's bike - his chain is skipping...


Norven Mankey
The shame of it.

Well it had to happen sometime I guess. Had a go at a couple of new climbs today. Proper hard ones for me at least. Managed the first one (this is after a couple of tough ones that I do every now and then) and came to the second new one, Cowlow Lane. It's really close to the one I mentioned last week that I would have been quicker walking up.

I know what you're saying; "Come on, it's only 8%, what's the problem you big girl?". But look more closely at the profile. The bit before the hairpin is about 20% and the hairpin is worse. Made it to the hairpin, lost all traction on the wet surface, had to stop. Couldn't restart on I had to walk. Now, I've never walked up a hill since getting into the cycling a couple of years ago....and I don't like it. Cowlow Lane and I have some unfinished business. Next dry's game on

Rest of the ride pretty uneventful. Managed some unintentional CX near Mellor. The little tracks weren't on Google Maps for a reason but I thought it would be nice to explore. Luckily the 23mm tyres held up ok.. Lost my GPS signal on my phone just before the quickish run home over the Snake (nice SE pushing me along there). Fast descent into Glossop but roads were a bit wet....well what I mean is that there were streams running off the moors over the couldn't be as gung ho as usual

48 miles all in, 5,500ft of climbing which is too hilly for me really. I keep thinking that by piling on the climbing I'll get better at it. Doesn't seem to be working


Ramsgate, Kent
One of my usual riding partners called in sick last night so it was a choice of staying indoors and doing bugger all cursing the fact that I didn't get my lazy arse out on a ride, or get my lazy arse out on a solo ride. Ianrauk jnr decided to wake up at 5.30am today and proceeded to wake the whole household too. So thought bugger it. Get up and get out there on the bike. I looked at the outside temperature and it was showing minus 1 degree. Looking out the window and the cars were all covered in a heavy frost. Never mind, the weather report said that it would be a nice sunny clear morning and I am well versed in the art of cold weather riding. Zero degrees is not that cold when you are cycling.

After much faffing about and much tea and toast I got out of the door at 7.15am. I decided to head for Ashford via the hilly Pilgrims Way (Hollingbourne Hill is a killer). Still dark and a bit crunchy underfoot. I would have to take it very easy until the frost melts. So on my way and deciding to throw in a long drag of a hill straight away to get the blood pumping. At the top it was sheet ice so had to hop off and walk carefully round it.

The sun was soon up and it was turning into a very bright sunny morning. The going was a little slow though due to the amount of ice and muck on the lanes from the previous weeks storms. This was not going to be a clean bike and rider ride. Soon reached Hollinbourne Hill. As I said, it's a killer hill. One that lures you into a false sense of easy climbing security, as half way up, you think you are there, you round the bend and it ramps up....and up. My lack of fitness and my heavy, mudguarded commuter bike made it very hard work.

The lanes were getting muddier as the frost and ice was melting and the ups and downs were taking their toll. It took me 45 minutes more to get to Ashford then usual.

A nice sausage sarnie, a apricot swirl, a can of coke and a cup of tea at the station soon perked me up and I was on my way back home. I could have gone back the way I came but decided to go back via the flatter route. Hoping that all the flood water that I wrote about on my last ride had drained away. It seemed to be the case but once again, the lanes were very muddy. Nearing Yalding which suffered from the worst of the flooding, I asked another cyclist coming from the direction of Yalding if it was now passable. He said yes, so Yalding it was to be.

Going through Yalding village, you could really see the devastation that the floods had caused to household and shops. I don't think there was one house in the main street that wasn't effected. Outside every house was a pile of furniture, carpets, white goods, TV's, clothing and much more. It was terrible to see the mess the floods had caused.

So on with the ride, the sun had now dissapeared under a blanket of gray and white cloud. As I climbed higher onto the greensand ridge the roads and lanes became less muddy and I was able to pick up a little more speed. It didn't take long to tackle the last 25 miles to home from Yalding, stopping briefly at the top of Pollhill ridge to stuff my face with a small bag of crack Haribo.

So, 101 solo miles for the day, 2nd century ride of 2014 and century 106 over all. Yet again a very mucky bike and rider. But a very good ride never the less.

I'm so glad I got my lazy arse out on the bike in the end.

The Quintain on a frosty morning in Offham
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Sun up on the Pilgrims Way
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The rolling lanes of Kent
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The waterfall at West Malling
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Post box on the Pilgrims Way
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Halfway DinDins.
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Well I cycled down this lane expecting all sorts.. but was a little disappointing that there wasn't anything at all lewd going on
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Some of the devastation at Yalding
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And a map of todays ride.
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Hollingbourne hill, I know that hill well!! I used to live in lenham til 3 years ago such lovely countryside round there, spent most of my life along the pilgrims way either on a bike or on horseback!

Next time I go and visit friends and family I'll have to take my bike with me, I do miss the countryside!:sad:


Fast and careful!
2nd wet commute of the week, finished early and had a detour through the test valley,well when I say it rained it came up down and from the side with lumps of ice in it,i had left my rear pocket open on my jacket and I had to empty half litre of water out of it when I got back,I would of been better taking a canoe with me!


Perhaps This One.....
Well I was heading towards an indoor ride today, but at about 9 o'clock there was a glimmer on sunshine, so chanced a trundle. Took the hybrid today as I wanted to look at the Thames towpaths and some other tracks to see if they were passable. Whilst it was certainly very wet out, the sun soon had me warmed up and I took the mostly cycle path route through Egham town and alongside the A30 back towards Staines. Nice to see the Thames has dropped enough to give access back into the Runnymede Hotel, but a meander towards the towpath soon showed that to be impassable unless I fancied wet feet, again:rolleyes:
So back to Staines, through Two Rivers shopping and round by my Dad's, only then remembering he'll be out and I forgot my key, so no cuppa there then! By now it was looking a bit more cloudy, but I still wanted to see how the Staines - Laleham towpath looked so back that way, and from the Thames Lodge Hotel down to near Penton Hook lock it was OK, but mostly covered in a thick layer if silt.
17 Jan 2014-1.jpg

Back towards home on the roads, stopped briefly since I spotted the 'Five Swimmers' fountain. Always used to live in the Elmsleigh Centre, but some years ago was removed, and has been relocated to the Staines Memorial Gardens. In the background you can also see the London Stone (not sure if this one is the replica, or the original)
17 Jan 2014-2.jpg

Just after this photo it started to spit with rain, and I still had 5 miles to get home the long way. All was well until I got to the Lammas Park when the heavens opened, and it stayed that way for the last 4 miles:rain:. I really didn't think it was possible to get that wet, short of jumping into the Thames:laugh: Still, got home having completed 14.3 miles at an average of 9.8mph. 30 mins after getting home the :sun:came out....


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
It was one of those rides; only 22 miles but felt like 50!
Largs to Langbank via Loch Thom, Greenock, Dougliehill Road into Port Glasgow, then Old Greenock Road to Langbank, mostly in drizzly rain. Met a pal there and feasted on the carvery lunch and Belhaven Best at the Wheelhouse pub. Didn't feel much like riding home after that, especially as it was still raining, so Scotrail did the necessary.
A shameful average speed of under 12mph; but my excuse is lack of recent rides due to the weather, and the fact that I am now lugging around an extra half stone in FAT!
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