Your views on the UK's membership of the EU

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Purveyor of fine nonsense
I used to be very much in support of our membership of the EU, but the way things are at the moment, I am becoming increasingly cynical!

My reasoning is:

a) In regard of the Euro crisis, the Europeans have shown just how good they are at dithering and how bad they are at making decisions.

b) Brussels seems to be becoming more and more dictatorial; passing EU-wide laws and directives that the people of the member countries seem to have no say in whatsoever.

c) Greece et. al. should never have been allowed into the Euro in the first place. I reckon it was a purely political decision to let them in.

Now, if they can sort out the Euro and completely re-vamp the way the EU Parliament works, I'm all for it!

I know a good few Germans and I have spent a fair amount of time in Germany, and it seems that right now the German people are incredibly pissed off with the EU, they feel they have no voice whatsoever, and when it comes to Greece, I think it's fair to say that they want almost want blood!
I voted for the EEC - sorry!
We should be either in it or out of it, Personally I would have been happier to have no part of the EU, it seems we do pay more than we get out and lose more rights than most (especially as we sometimes appear to be the only member who jumps and obeys all directives to the letter without question) HOWEVER we did join the EU so I believe we should have entered the EURO at what was at the time a very prefferential rate, and therefore been on an equal playing field vis a vis import/ export.


Well-Known Member
West Somerset
One size cannot fit all. The present financial crisis is evidence of this. By all means have a trading group of independent countries - which is what we originally signed up for in the EEC. The Federal Republic of Europe is a no no, both in practical terms and in political desirability. The sooner our politicians realise that this is what most of the country want (and therefore what they, as our representatives should do) the better for all concerned.


Greece et. al. should never have been allowed into the Euro in the first place. I reckon it was a purely political decision to let them in.

No kidding. As opposed to what? A roll of the dice? A game of stone paper scissors? ;)


Scotland in Europe.

Not in a football sense...but we would be an addition to counter 'fragmented' national identities.
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