Yucky thoughts that you can't shake.

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I first heard the Kentucky Fried Rat urban myth back in the late seventies. As is the nature of urban myths, they come to you as having happened to a FOAF (friend of a friend) so I believed this had happened my brother's friend David McHenry's older sister. It didn't. It never happened to anyone, and I know that. But if I ever eat KFC (rarely) I am very circumspect of each piece before taking a bite.

Similarly there is junk food in Australia called a dim sim. It's a bit like a Chinese dim sum and always served with soy sauce, but the size of an egg and filled with mystery meat. It's available at almost any non-chain fast food place that has a deep fryer (eg burger or fish and chip places) or a steamer and is cheap and cheerful. I once heard the filling was made in a big vat and every now and then a rat would fall in, but they'd keep the machinery churning. I didn't believe it , but I haven't eaten one since I heard it.

And the last one is cycle related. It's a story I heard US sex advice columnist Dan Savage tell about a letter he received. A urine fetishist whose particular kink was women drinking his urine wrote to him, describing waiting around Starbucks on warm days. If any woman cycled up an left her bottle unattended, he would sneak over and ... um .... top it up. He kept watching, and it was an especial thrill if they took a drink before they left - but either way, he got a the thrill he was looking for. While I believe this is true, it's just one man, and I assume there are way over 7 billion people who don't do this. But despite that logic, I am looking askance at my water bottle that was left unattended for 1/2 an hour today.

Anyone else modify their behaviour based on things they don't believe are true?
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[QUOTE 4925000, member: 259"]I'm always very polite to waiters.[/QUOTE]
Perfectly phrased. Made me giggle.


Peanuts and bar treats ..finger food etc

Nurse in my local pointed out that a study of bar nibbles had over 30 urinary bugs in one bowl..
Ive never be a Buffett fan and bar snack bowls are even less of a draw..

So think on that next time you think oh some free nuts


Über Member
There was the one about a McChicken sandwich that the lady asked for no mayo bit when she bit into it a mayo like substance came out (it wasn't what you're all thinking) apparently it was a tumour in the chicken breast.
Peanuts and bar treats ..finger food etc

Nurse in my local pointed out that a study of bar nibbles had over 30 urinary bugs in one bowl..
Ive never be a Buffett fan and bar snack bowls are even less of a draw..

So think on that next time you think oh some free nuts
Damnit. I have replied to the other to responses, so feel obliged to reply to the rest.

Sounds untrue, as urine apparently is pretty sterile unless the donor has an infection, so it's probably not true.

If she had said "faecal infections" I'd be both more believing and more disgusted.

Name 30 urinates bugs! Classic family game for long car journeys.
I stick with ones like "US states beginning with 'M'"


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
There was the one about a McChicken sandwich that the lady asked for no mayo bit when she bit into it a mayo like substance came out (it wasn't what you're all thinking) apparently it was a tumour in the chicken breast.
That myth has always stuck with me too... I generally don't eat McDonald's but once or twice a year I'll have a McChicken sandwich out of necessity and whenever I get a little grisly bit, it's that urban myth that springs into my consciousness.
[QUOTE 4925000, member: 259"]I'm always very polite to waiters.[/QUOTE]

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdXO52ZMcCM


Damnit. I have replied to the other to responses, so feel obliged to reply to the rest.

Sounds untrue, as urine apparently is pretty sterile unless the donor has an infection, so it's probably not true.

If she had said "faecal infections" I'd be both more believing and more disgusted.

I stick with ones like "US states beginning with 'M'"

I know but the thought is there..
We just got rid of a care worker who liked smearing faeces on the toilet walls..nice lady
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