100 mile on a turbo

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Man or Moose!
I think that being shared between 2 people in 30 mins segments would be the best way of keeping away from the boredom. However I couldn't really give and idea of the total time it will take.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Splitting it is a cop out... either do it proper or don't do it at all, solo, no breaks (other than for the toilet). Overcoming the "boredom" etc is the challenge! Remove/minimise the challenge and you remove/minimise the motivation for donation!

I do training sessions several times a week that would cover over one half of the effort...


How about using a cheap cycle computer, something like this?


Man or Moose!
Oh! Have i misunderstood the OP's question? lol
Wouldn't that show you when you've reached 100 miles then?

It would tell him "distance" and time, when actually riding, but that doesn't help him estimate how long it is going to take before the fact.


Man or Moose!
FWIW, which is not much at all, for me to cover 100 virtual miles on my turbo trainer (Cyclops Fluid2), it would take over 5 hours. On the road, it would less than 4.

I have ridden on the turbo for 4 hours before and the "distance" was about 70 miles.

PS. On my partners turbo trainer, the time taken (or distance covered in the same time) would be very difference. Hence what I said above is not actually that helpful, even though I am not intending to be unhelpful, though it may seem that way.


It would tell him "distance" and time, when actually riding, but that doesn't help him estimate how long it is going to take before the fact.

But could he not just pop onto MapMyRide, create a route for his goal and select an average speed? lets say 17mph judging by his OP?


Oh! ok :whistle:
100 miles is pretty tough but doing it in a shed would be unbareable and dull for me.

Just get on a bike and do it for real.


Man or Moose!
I like Jack's idea, to the degree that I can (I don't really see much point in sponsoring people or asking for sponsorship unless doing something truly challenging - I am fully aware of the can of worms that statement may open)! At least it is a bit unusual.
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I think the simplest, most honest way to do it would be to take your 17mph average speed and turn it around into a time taken to cover 100 miles – namely 5 hours, 53 minutes – and round it up to 6 hours. Then simply do 6 hours of honest work on the turbo, completely ignoring the distance covered by the back wheel on the roller.

There is no coasting and no downhill on a turbo, so it’s a more relentless effort, albeit variable in intensity, but conversely you could set the resistance to the lowest setting, fit an oversize chainring and cruise at an indicated 30mph and knock it off in 3 hours 20 minutes, which doesn’t sound as impressive to potential donors. (It also makes you realise what a difference gravity and wind resistance make!)

If the object of the exercise is to raise money for charity, then it's like the Rowathons that most gyms have from time to time - the 'distance' covered is a shorthand for 'we're going to be doing lots of exercise, please donate', so go with something realistic-yet-challenging sounding.

Or stick on some grippy tyres and go do it on the road!
Or do both and calibrate the efforts that way :whistle:
Ooh, just noticed it's 130miles, not 100 so make it 7 1/2 hours, but you get the idea. It also divides neatly into 75-minute shifts if you're going to share it.

Incidentally, are you going to swap bikes in and out at the handover? If not, a long stint while relatively static (there's less natural shifting of position on a turbo) on an ill-fitting bike could be a Bad Thing (tm).


I've done a similar distance static. Eventually your mind just switches itself off and you forget about what you're doing.

Took me about 6.5 hours.


A Human Being
On my Fluid 2 it would take me about 6 hours, at an easy pace(17mph), for my back wheel to cover 100 miles, assuming I could maintain it for that long.
Coincidently it takes me about 6 hours or so to ride 100 miles on the roads in South Wiltshire(about 11 to 12 m/km of going up).
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