Scotland : Glasgow & Clyde Valley 3 ferries. April 27th 2014.

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Cycling is fun ...
... and here come the videos! :hyper:

Sorry for being always the last one up any hill, down any hill or as a matter of fact, last on any straight road :laugh:
What I have learned today: a new bike not makes Pat 5mph perform any better: more hill training needed :bicycle:but my new steed Colombo looks the part :biggrin:
No need to apologise, @Pat "5mph"! :hugs:
Here is another suggestion for you ... how about trying to give your 'other' vice up (not the cycling obsession ;)) ... proven to make a big difference to cycling speed, and think of all the £££ you could spend on Colombo etc. :whistle:
The weight weenies might have to carry locks rather than relying you to watch their bikes, but that might be a good thing, if it slows them down by the odd second :tongue:.


Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
We boarded the first ferry overdressed after last year's soaking!
By the end of the ride we did shed lots of clothing!


Sunshine really brings out the best quality from the GoPro.

After a few miles on the main road, we turn off left and head for the hills! (yes, THAT one too). The route starts pretty flat, but then starts heading up with a couple of steeper sections. Pace yourself here as you climb for quite a while before you can pick up speed again. Then, just after a faster section, it heads upwards once more before you are rewarded with 4 minutes of descent :smile:





After a regrouping at the head of Loch Striven, we braced ourselves to tackle the main climb of the route. It is signposted at 12% at the base, but I think it's a bit steeper than that, as it's a tough pull to get to the top. It leads to a flat section which also happens to be a perfect photo opportunity (that's our excuse and we're sticking to it :secret: ).


Worse was yet to come as, following the respite of the flat section, the road climbs again, then flattens again, and then you see the wall that you have to climb next :blink:. 20% at its steepest (which it is for at least 60 metres), it eases off to a mere 12% before the somewhat easier final sections spit you out as a sweating, hurting mess that is puffing like a steam engine (except @Telemark who rode the whole thing in the saddle, and probably @Rasmus too)



Now we were over on Bute and the terrain is flatter, so we set off around the coast road towards the final ferry of the day, but with a detour planned to the Ettrick Bay Tearoom.


@Telemark pointed out that the tearoom is at the end of the old Tramway, which can still be seen at the roadside, though sadly it's now just a footpath.


After a refreshing coffee and a toastie :hungry: we set off back to Rothesay and the Ferry to Weymss Bay. @clockhammer and I, rolled into the terminal just as a ferry was leaving, not that it mattered as the fast group had fancied a go at the Serpentine. Sure enough, I had spotted @Rasmus red jersey halfway up it as I neared the port :hello:
Then it was a leisurely cruise back to Weymss Bay and the end of the journey. We will be back :hyper::bicycle:



Cycling is fun ...
Worse was yet to come as, following the respite of the flat section, the road climbs again, then flattens again, and then you see the wall that you have to climb next :blink:. 20% at its steepest (which it is for at least 60 metres), it eases off to a mere 12% before the somewhat easier final sections spit you out as a sweating, hurting mess that is puffing like a steam engine (except @Telemark who rode the whole thing in the saddle, and probably @Rasmus too)
:laugh::blush: Can I double-like this one, please? I was working quite hard, too ... maybe you just need to get yourself a heavy tank of a bike, with ice tyres (instead of fancy carbon steeds) and commute on it all through the winter up and down hills, mostly into a headwind ... and then get out the lighter bike to play when the sun shines ...

@Telemark pointed out that the tearoom is at the end of the old Tramway, which can still be seen at the roadside, though sadly it's now just a footpath.
The history of the tramway to the dance hall at Ettrick Bay is briefly mentioned on HJ's blog about our long weekend on Bute a few years ago (in 3 parts), with more photos here, if you want to see what the rest of the island looks like - perfect for cycling and exploring at a leisurely pace.

After a refreshing coffee and a toastie :hungry: we set off back to Rothesay and the Ferry to Weymss Bay. @clockhammer and I, rolled into the terminal just as a ferry was leaving, not that it mattered as the fast group had fancied a go at the Serpentine. Sure enough, I had spotted @Rasmus red jersey halfway up it as I neared the port :hello:
Did you not see me wave from the ferry? Saw you and Steven roll into the ferry terminal ...
@Rasmus needs a CC Ecosse polka dot jersey :thumbsup: Assume you enjoyed the Serpentine?



Without a clever title
The serpentine was fun, in a masochistic sort of way...

My gears don't go terribly low, and I'm no good at powering through at low cadence, so I was out of the saddle "huffing and puffing" with the rest of you on the steep bit of the Loch Striven climb.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Well, them QOM of this ride was @phantasmagoriana for sure!
Her strava shows how many? Four? :ohmy: :bravo:
Well done!
Aye, and IIRC one of them was the Serpentine in Rothesay, at the end of the ride (which she had done after a 100 mile ride the previous day). This climb is regularly used for time trials, so QOM is quite an achievement.
Her club-mate Sally was no slouch either. I thought I was doing a reasonable pace along the road after we came off the Colintraive ferry, when she effortlessly flew past me, complete with a pannier about the same size as she is! :ohmy:
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