Can you beat 'yacht'...

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Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Another is 'Bach'

If you lot don't already mess it up by saying


Then with the 'r', is sounds like


I hate to break this to you, but Beethoven* was a dog, not Bach.

* - And there is another odd spelling, but at least it is German.


It's Bach with a soft ch like loch isn't it?


pre-talced and mighty
don't say oiks, say autochthons

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Christopher Froome's surname is actually pronounced like Frome.

Placenames - Shrewsbury is pronounced "Shroosbury" by nearly everyone apart from folk on the side of the river my family were from, where it's pronounced "Shrowsbury" (ow as in Throw). Also Altrincham, which is pronounced "Oltringum" (short o as in not), and phonetically by a lot of people who've not heard it pronounced before. I also notice that the current set of automated station announcements pronounce "Sandbach" as "Sandback", which is incorrect.
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