CC Anniversary Ride, Richmond Park/Brighton to Box Hill, 28 Nov 2009

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New Member
I'm planning on doing the FNRttC the night before, so will swing by Box Hill with 'Teef & Co. Please count me in for the return leg!


Über Member
As this is the next planned CC ride, I thought it was time to bump it back up.

It's hard to believe that it's been a whole year since we started these London/Home county rides.

Here's how User1314 got it all started

It's quite good fun reading back through that thread and seeing how nervous we all were about doing more than 25 miles :smile:

I hope to see all the original members plus a lot more for this anniversary edition.
Mr Pig's post #10 just epitomises what a tosser sees with one eye open. stupid comment.
Actually, I didn't go on the first one - everyone moaned about the traffic didn't they? :biggrin: And the crappy scenery. Oh! hang on, maybe PigMr was right after all...I take it back.
Yes, come to think of it, the other folk on the CycleChat outings have all been a bit of a characterless waste of time - particularly as there's nothing to see or do all day except try and chat. As a fully qualified bore - I just love it!
(Who believes me eh?)

I might try an "all night delight" with a "Box Hill thrill" too (I know a good route back up Chapel Lane :biggrin:) - although, if Gersh is organising it he'll not be there on time and he'll be off to the rugby club half way through. :thumbsup:
And luke will be floating in beer...
and Davy will be between pitta breads...
and Metcheck will be forecasting blizzards...


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Aperitif said:
But there's nowt to see down South Tony - are you sure? :tongue:

I am from "down south" teef !, I know what I am looking for :laugh:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Damn and blast.. no one told me there wasn't anything to see down south.. oh well.. might as well pack up and go home.. hold on... that's South too, not only South but South East Yegods!!!

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Now I had this in my diary and everything, having sacrificed a fairly new back light on the original ride (plus knocked out half my teeth with the potholes) but I now discover you're going up Box Hill. Box Hill? Not sure if it's wise for me to join you all as I shall slow you down so much.
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