Cycle Chat London Summer Drinks 31st July

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It's a bit more complicated than that...
...and landlords will be far more intested in hosing down City slickers with expensive champagne than accommodating a bunch of mere cyclists.......
The City slickers in that part of the City drink beer, unless they're in a wine bar, when they drink wine.

Anyway - the Crosse Keys on Gracechurch Street is a spoons, is cavernous, and not usually too rammed. Or there's the Vintry or the Jamaica Inn round the corner, each of which has a large churchyard to spill over into.

If I thought it was possible to organise a pubload of cyclists I'd suggest a plan A - if dry inside, and a plan B - if wet, outside.

Tin Pot

If you've got some definite numbers and a start time I'd book an area in a bar with table service.

Crosse Keys might be okay, but here's a reason for its relatively low popularity.

How many are we talking?


Thanks everyone for the suggestions on venues. I already had a pretty firm idea on a venue and for many reasons it is likely to be a Spoons. Athough some of the pubs in Wapping are good, they aren't so well connected to public transport. I will finalise my research in the next couple of weeks.


Wapping is groovy!! failing that Monkey Puzzle in Paddington, plenty of space, amable bike parking, good bus, train tube links


West London
Just checking this is still happening
I don't think it's started yet


Lover of things that come in 3's
Oh you guys!!!!!!!!!!

No I've got people to see in London on the Saturday so if I'm coming up on the Friday as well then it makes sense to take a hotel for the night.

I was kind of hoping for venue confirmation, maybe some reasonably priced hotel suggestions and I'd even be up for sharing a twin room.

But don't let all that get in the way of mocking me and my wallet mercilessly


After an exhaustive search of London Pubs, I have settled on the one that I thought would fit the bill when I visited it in December, when the memories of the Christmas drinks were still fresh. The main requirements, were that it should be possible to have a conversation, be large enough for a group of people and sell alcohol. So the winning venue is the Crosse Keys in Gracechurch Street. See you on the 31st July from about 6pm. As it is a Friday, most of the City types will hopefully have started to depart for their weekend residences and we will have space to have a good night.


It's a bit more complicated than that...

17th July - I still harbour hopes of making it down to Whitstable. One of the members of my team is leaving and hasn't yet decided which venue to go to.

31st July - One of the other members of my team is leaving and has booked evening drinks at the Counting House. And there are also CC drinks at the Crosse Keys. And I'm in Gracechurch Street already. And, from experience, @Trickedem is right about the city types - the Crosse Keys will have the people who like drinking and conversation, not showing off.

All would be well, except that...

2nd August - @rvw and I ride 100 miles out to Surrey and back via Leith Hill and Box Hill, having done next to no training and (in my case) put on a couple of stone.

Decisions, decisions.
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