Enterprise Club

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The first session of the school's 'Enterprise Club' ran on Thursday morning. If you haven't come across my thread in the 'Wanted' section asking for any forgotten road bikes that are rusting away in our area - I've set up a club at school with the mission of restoring a couple of old road bikes that have been very kindly donated by people (thanks again @Fab Foodie !!!). We're going to restore them...The idea is to have some fun, learn a bit about bikes, develop the children's understanding about project planning and budgeting and give some of the children who aren't as academic a reason why school can be fun (as a side note - a couple of dads who don't really engage with school have said that they really want to come in to help out - bonus!)

14 children attended and met the bikes. We then ran through the names of all of the different parts with them making notes (cue lots of frantic writing and complaining that they didn't have enough room on their whiteboards!). We then split the children into small groups and had a competition to label the bikes. Lots of post-it notes later, I was really surprised at how much they had remembered. The next part of the session was setting up the new modern children's road bike that the school has bought for the group and setting up the turbo trainer for it to go on (also bought by the school for the club).

Next week we start stripping the bikes down slowly and looking at which parts can be salvaged and cleaned or what needs replacing. The children will then start researching to source the cheapest replacements. I've also told them to bring some shorts (padded if possible) because they're gong to race 1km on the turbo to set a baseline for themselves to beat over the coming weeks.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Excellent start!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What a brilliant idea. Congratulations on getting so many bikes, and for giving your time and energy to helping.


What a brilliant idea. Congratulations on getting so many bikes, and for giving your time and energy to helping.
We've got three bikes altogether - an old Peugeot racer that's huge and needs a lot of TLC, a really nice looking vintage kid's racer that needs a clean-up and a new Apollo kid's road bike that should get them moving on the turbo!


@Easytigers sounds like its going well
Thanks @biggs682 it's a start! Might need to lean on your expertise and local knowledge at times if you don't mind :thumbsup: e.g. have no idea whether the large Peugeot would be better cleaned up or rubbed down and powder coated??? We'd like to keep the kid's road bike (I'm going to try and arrange a trip to the nearest velodrome in summer once it's finished hopefully for the kids to get a chance to ride it!).

Dave 123

Legendary Member
That's fantastic!


Does anyone know if it's possible to visit a velodrome with children from primary school? I floated the idea with a guy who used to race and he thought it might be a no-goer as the kids are 10-11yrs old and he thought insurance would only let children over 13yrs ride...If so it would be a real shame :sad:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Thanks @biggs682 it's a start! Might need to lean on your expertise and local knowledge at times if you don't mind :thumbsup: e.g. have no idea whether the large Peugeot would be better cleaned up or rubbed down and powder coated??? We'd like to keep the kid's road bike (I'm going to try and arrange a trip to the nearest velodrome in summer once it's finished hopefully for the kids to get a chance to ride it!).
@Easytigers no problem

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Does anyone know if it's possible to visit a velodrome with children from primary school? I floated the idea with a guy who used to race and he thought it might be a no-goer as the kids are 10-11yrs old and he thought insurance would only let children over 13yrs ride...If so it would be a real shame :sad:
It's worth giving your nearest Velodrome a ring to explain. Which one are you thinking about?


It's worth giving your nearest Velodrome a ring to explain. Which one are you thinking about?
TBH not sure which is our nearest one! Probably need one no more than an hour and a half away as we'll hire a minibus. If anyone knows of one (or is a member/regular even better!) please let me know :thumbsup:
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