I will be appearing on BBC Wales

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Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
Only just seen this. Good for Matthew. BBC's regional current affairs programmes, in my experience, are balanced. My assault video featured on Inside Out two or three weeks ago as part of an investigation into police cautions and the interview was well edited.

BBC bloody love me. It seems every time WM runs something about cycling that I'm their go-to for an opinion. I've been on the radio twice this week. They should really put me on the payroll. :whistle:

Looking forward to watching when it airs.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Sky subscribers can receive BBC1 Wales - it's on channel 952. (Don't, whatever you do, press 932 by, ahem, accident :ohmy:!)

Will look out for it Matthew and hope they put out a balanced report.


Smutmaster General
I take it it isn't within the same prog title, about dodgy military charity (broadcast 22/10)
That's the only week in/week out I can find.
So I'm going to watch Pobol y Cwm instead (-dfod).


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Matthew_T - having seen @gaz and his TV appearance I'm torn here; I like that you've got involved, however I do hope that they portray you fairly. Gaz was clearly trying to do his best and they selected bits that didn't show what he's been up to in the best light.

However, I'm sure it won't be like @gb155 and Channel 4 which made me both :bravo: and :surrender:


Legendary Member
yeah, right. Would it surprise you to know that the exec who stitched up Gaz walked in to a wall of applause the following morning?

Christ - if they deemed that programme worthy of applause then this goes some way to understanding current standards in "Investigative reporting" on the BBC.

I cringe when I hear people sending videos or doing interviews for the media on cycling - especially with the BBC who appear to have decided to take the Daily Mail approach and then some. The whole thing is designed with an agenda from the start and I suspect the reason that they go to green non-media savvy interviewees is because they can be relied upon saying what the interviewer wants them to say with some prompting and when it is edited to make them appear like motorist hating nutters they won't have the ability to respond.

I remember reading about Carlton Reid going on a cycling debate on ITV hosted by Alan Titchmarsh with the opposing view coming from Christopher Biggins. When you are a cycling campaigner and being pitted against someone most famous for being Widow Twankey on a show hosted by a gardening presenter I think you need to think it might be better to ignore the media altogether until they grow up.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
@Matthew_T - having seen @gaz and his TV appearance I'm torn here; I like that you've got involved, however I do hope that they portray you fairly. Gaz was clearly trying to do his best and they selected bits that didn't show what he's been up to in the best light.

However, I'm sure it won't be like @gb155 and Channel 4 which made me both :bravo: and :surrender:
I have seen the first few episodes of the series (first about dieting, second about a military charity) and they seem very neutral in terms of the BBC's views. They advertised Tuesdays episode in last weeks (used one of @sue perb videos).
Remember, this is BBC Wales, not the proper BBC. I have met the Producer and he seems very on my side (dont know what it will make the driver look like though).

I dont think people should be jumping to conclusions before they have even seen the programme. Yes, the media in general should not be trusted but you can always get that one story which is either of support of the right person, or is in a neutral stance.
I take it it isn't within the same prog title, about dodgy military charity (broadcast 22/10)
That's the only week in/week out I can find.
So I'm going to watch Pobol y Cwm instead (-dfod).
It is under the programme title Week In Week Out. The first episode was about dieting and the second was the charity thing. It should be on Tuesday at 10.35pm.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Only just seen this. Good for Matthew. BBC's regional current affairs programmes, in my experience, are balanced. My assault video featured on Inside Out two or three weeks ago as part of an investigation into police cautions and the interview was well edited.

BBC bloody love me. It seems every time WM runs something about cycling that I'm their go-to for an opinion. I've been on the radio twice this week. They should really put me on the payroll. :whistle:

Looking forward to watching when it airs.
bbciplayer link?
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