London riots

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pre-talced and mighty
Clapham Junction being looted. Hundreds of looters, no police. Foot Locker has been emptied, and Debenhams too. In the case of the latter I'm bound to say I don't care overmuch, however despicable the looters. The Arding and Hobbs pension scandal was a far greater crime.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Well, it's easy to be glib when you live elsewhere but when your children live in the middle of it as buildings burn around and about forgive me for being less sanguine


Über Member
Plough Lane
I know Croydon pretty well. The fact that Reeves (the furniture store) flamed up as it did was probably down to it being a pretty old building with a lot of timber in it's construction. The furniture would be flame retardent but not flame proof. It would take a while to catch but when it does it would burn well.

The other fire seems to be in West croydon. It looks like an opticians and is about 50-60 metres away from Evans.

Apart from that you can add my vote to the opinion that it's a bunch of people after a bit of excitement and a new phone/trainers/TV/etc.


Well-Known Member
Fair play that woman!!

It has kicked off here in Brum tonight. Rumours flying around that Primark in the city centre was on fire - West Mids Fire service confirmed about an hour ago that they hadn't been called to anything in the city centre.
Also STILL rumours flying around that the Children's Hosptial had been attacked / burnt down / destroyed. Again, not true (i think we'd have heard about it if it was).... It IS in the city centre and there is a cop shop opposite, and allegedly 'rioters' were heading up that way - police have been up there to keep an eye on the hospital just in case, but it hasn't been attacked.
Bearwood high street has been closed, as has (apprently) Kings Heath, but that could be cos they're near arterial routes in to the city, which are all now closed.
Coverage on the BBC local news seems to feature large numbers of teenagers and mainly young men. Goodness knows what they think they're doing up here - just an excuse for mindless thuggery and theivery by the looks of things.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Apparently geoffrey butler has just been broken into. The stock in their windows and on the floor is well over 20K.
Literally just down the road from me. fingers crossed they don't come my way.

The other fire seems to be in West croydon. It looks like an opticians and is about 50-60 metres away from Evans.
That fire is on the other side of the road and looks to be out. The big problem with that fire is that those shops back onto a closely packed residential street.

Dan B

Disengaged member
My neighbour tells me that Tescos, McDonalds & the Halifax (all two minutes walk from here) have all had the treatment. I'm less worried about the looting - actually, there's approximately sod all around here in either of the categories "consumer electronics" or "footwear" to loot - it's the setting fire to stuff that concerns me more. But I think they've moved on

rowan 46

Über Member
brummies have a reputation for stupidity. I always assumed it was because of the accent. After today I am not so sure, We have debenhams, rackhams selfridges watches of switzerland and lots of other good shops with good gear. So where do they loot? PRIMARK. Apparently staff wish to thank the looters for tidying the place up.
Seriously though. My sincerest condolences to all those who's homes and livelihoods are threatened


Senior Member
I've just heard that it's kicked off in Leeds as well.

Cue 'comunity leaders' blaming everyone but the knobheads who are responsible.

''its' the police, it's cos' they got nuffik to do, it's cos their mate was arrested, it's the polititians, it's the councils fault, it's their mums fault.....................etc etc etc''

The trouble in Leeds is in Chapletown and the shooting tonight is in the same area as the shooting last week, more likely connected to that than to London.


The trouble in Leeds is in Chapletown and the shooting tonight is in the same area as the shooting last week, more likely connected to that than to London.

Yes, and the effect of the draconian sentences handed down to "brick throwers" in Bradford are stilll reverberating, not much chance of copycat riots in the North.

I'm on hols in Barcelona and the press coverage here is wild..........does not portray the UK as an MC paradise!


All very smug and worthy, but if it's your job/business/home going down the shi88er because of a bunch of losers then I'm sure being annoyed is the very least of you will be feeling.

And of course they aren't the ''deeper problem'' but looting a bunch of tellys and DVD players is doing FA about anything.

I would very much understand small business owners or people whose flats are torched being angry. But that's not what we have on this thread and let's not pretend that it has that justification. The people on this thread calling for people to be killed and so on are just obnoxious angry people who are taking the opportunity to shout their prejudices in a way that in normal circumstances would have people tell them to up.

And I will tell you what's smug - it's certain British people looking at Greece and so on, making all kinds of judgments about foreign economies and societies and how foreigners behave so badly and they had it coming etc. etc. and assuming 'it can't happen here'. Well, it can, and it is. Now you've got to work out what the hell is going on and do something about it.

Good luck... :hello:


Legendary Member
Here in leafy Greenwich we can see a pillar of smoke coming from Blackheath,
We are aware of hundreds of yoofs rampaging and looting in Woolwich, 2 miles down the road,
Lewisham 2 miles in the other direction seems to a quietened down a bit although the cars are still buring

We normally hear a number of sirens going past every evening, tonight is is eireily silent, we have not heard a siren since about 8pm !


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 1499036"]
Because as far as I can tell you can have a load of people with no respect what so ever for other peoples property looting and setting fire to things. I very much doubt that the wider economic issue entered their mindset when carrying out the above.

Yeah, when they were carrying out their new mobile phone, dvd players, plasma tvs etc.

Now you've got to work out what the hell is going on and do something about it.
Good luck... :hello:

Colly has already 'worked out' what the hell is going on - as he stated below.

And of course they aren't the ''deeper problem'' but looting a bunch of tellys and DVD players is doing FA about anything.

I don't think Colly needs your (patronising :hello:) 'luck'. Having met him, I know him to be a highly intelligent chap; I'm sure that he has things 'worked out'.
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