People trying to out 'special forces' each other on the Internet.

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
There's a certain jack speak that matelots and boot necks say. It's hard to lose it when you learn it
Some Police are the same, from experience. A retired mate of mine doesn't ask where you are, it's"what is your present locus?", and rather than "what are you up to?" he will ask for " your current status". I think (hope) he just does it to wind me up. Successfully!


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
[QUOTE 3876265, member: 259"]My dad had a load of WW2 medals he never showed us and we didn't know about until after he died. He wouldn't have been able pronounce some of them as they were in French and Greek![/QUOTE]
Nothing odd about that...let's face it, De Gaulle had Greek letters round his hat. (mind you he'd have looked funny with French ones.....)

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
...or just some nobber with a collection of Commando comics from the 70's.
Hmm, shouting "Achtung Englander" might prove/disprove that point.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Did you know Lewis Collins passed selection, but failed the interview? It was decided by the top brass that having all the bad guys shouting "f*** me, that's Lewis Collins" every time he tried to free some hostages might get in the way of doing his job. Supposedly true.

Most ex SF or Det boys don't keep quiet out of modesty. They keep quiet because there are bad people all over the place who'd probably dearly love to pay them a visit, hence Spinney's words being spot on.
Lewis Collins taught me and my wife how to do a static parachute jump at head corn...a few years back...very quiet fella.
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