recommend a G shock or other night visible watch

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Senior Member
I don't like apple, unless you can eat it :biggrin:


I have one of these. I bought it because the battery went flat in my other watch when I was on holiday. It is waterproof, has a bright light, sets the time itself and has (not very useful) features like world time and a stopwatch that measures to 1/100th of a second (or about ten times more accuratly than I can control it)

You can also get it to beep on the hour, which strangely reminds me of being at school when digital watches were quite the thing, and you would hear the beep-beep of the hour from various points around the classroom between about five to and five past. Obviously this beeps dead on the hour, which is quite satisfying if you happen to be listening to the pips on the radio at the same time.

(As I've nicked the image ans web-space off them, I'll mention that I got mine from Argos, but obviously you can get them all over the place)
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