Richmond Park ride

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Cycling Excusiast
I should have +1 if he's free
10:30 ish meeting outside Clapham Junction or is it still 10:30 Clapham meet point?
I should have +1 if he's free
10:30 ish meeting outside Clapham Junction or is it still 10:30 Clapham meet point?

Am looking forward to this - especially the cake from Her Welshness! I dont know Clapham Junction very well - I think there is a car drop off point around the back of the station (if heading towards the river) - is that the meeting point?

M :bicycle:


Cycling Excusiast
Am looking forward to this - especially the cake from Her Welshness! I dont know Clapham Junction very well - I think there is a car drop off point around the back of the station (if heading towards the river) - is that the meeting point?

M :bicycle:

That would make sense - at the back where the PCS building and the coaches go from is easier than the through fair at the front end.



Well-Known Member
Am looking forward to this - especially the cake from Her Welshness! I dont know Clapham Junction very well - I think there is a car drop off point around the back of the station (if heading towards the river) - is that the meeting point?

M :bicycle:

Oh its Clapham Junction now?! Pooh :biggrin:

There will be cake, although its actually now Chocolate Coca-Cola cake. It should taste alright.

See you anon :hello: I will be lanterne rouge tomorrow :laugh:


Cycling Excusiast
Glad you're feeling better tt - and I like the sound of 'take it easy'. No sign of my new bike :sad: so I'll be on the slow one! Weather forecast looks good though.

Ah sorry to hear about that - they're taking their time aren't they?!! Very frustrating!

Oh its Clapham Junction now?! Pooh :biggrin:

There will be cake, although its actually now Chocolate Coca-Cola cake. It should taste alright.

See you anon :hello: I will be lanterne rouge tomorrow :laugh:

dammit!! I forgot about cake, we only have butter in at home which would be fine for cakes for all you lot but I probably wouldn't be able to eat it myself -oh well maybe for next time!


Cycling Excusiast
That's an appalling idea. (Do we have panniers??!!)

M :bicycle:

I don't usually like them as they leave this greasy film on the bridge of my mouth but if they're being offered I may not refuse- do we all need to bring panniers as those boxes are ridiculously immense!


Going to try to hook up with this ride at some stage tomorrow.

It is most unlikely to involve Krispy Kremes.
I don't usually like them as they leave this greasy film on the bridge of my mouth but if they're being offered I may not refuse- do we all need to bring panniers as those boxes are ridiculously immense!

Excellent question ttcycle! Over to you, User1314 - I cant find the measurements of the box

And I see User10571 is counting himself out of the Krispy Kremes but dont let that put you off your excellent suggestion!

M :bicycle:


Cycling Excusiast
Excellent question ttcycle! Over to you, User1314 - I cant find the measurements of the box

And I see User10571 is counting himself out of the Krispy Kremes but dont let that put you off your excellent suggestion!

M :bicycle:

Jesus Miranda..the pink monstrosity on your link nearly burned my retinas - this stuff can't be good for you or nice at all

I remember why I don't like them but each to their own.xx(


Cycling Excusiast
[QUOTE 1519003"]
Good news, Grace. Forecast is for cloudy with sunny intervals, min 15C/max18C, 13-15mph winds, gusts of 30.




corrected that for ya!
BTW User...I miss rollcalls - there used to be one for the sunday rides when I was less of a excusiast and used to go on them!! Coming over all nostalgic!
Jesus Miranda..the pink monstrosity on your link nearly burned my retinas - this stuff can't be good for you or nice at all

I remember why I don't like them but each to their own.xx(

hahahahaha - doesnt it look natural??? I havent had them for ages - probably for the reasons you mention - but as a treat on a Wednesday it sounds like a fine idea so let's hope User1314 isnt put off! What with those and Her Welshness's home made cake we are on a winner!

M :bicycle:

Edited to put the h in Welsh!!
[QUOTE 1519019"]
I get the message! Box coming. Never had a Krispy Kreme before, though.

No pub/cafe lunch planned...just graze out? Then all around HW's sister's for afternoon tea!


Excellent!! Although probably the most unhealthy, nutrient-free sugar rush we are likely to have! Might have to do speedier laps of the park to try and remove some of the calories! And I will leave the panniers at home!

See you all in the morning.

M :bicycle:


Well-Known Member
Oh gosh! I have been trying to get hold of my sister for the past 2 days and stupidly realised that she has already flown out to Oz for a friend's wedding. Am so sorry. Am going to try and get a key for tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!


Although I'm on a weeks 'Holiday' had to pop in to work after lunch today to sort a few things out and only just got back!

All good for the 10am meet CoG - will pm you, looking forward to it
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