Sad, sad news - Vernon has gone to the great Pie shop in the sky!

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Legendary Member
Christ...RIP Vernon, condolances to his family. :sad:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My word i just don't believe it.Stunned,he had only just retired.Vernon you will be missed.R.I.P.

We did think of you when the notice came through. I just can't believe it myself. He was a true gent, and I loved his tour and Pie reviews. He was so respected at his school/college and had been planning his retirement for a long time.

I've been in shock all day, and only came back on line this evening as we are away !

RIP indeed and he passed away doing what he loved, touring !!!


Eh up
Totaly shocked at reading this,I never met him but feel I have lost a friend, RIP Vernon.
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This may sound weird, but is not intended that way

I have never met Vernon, I do not know Vernon, however through this forum I do feel that Vernon was someone who, if I had met in real life would have been someone whose company I would have enjoyed and valued

i can only imagine the loss that those who were fortunate to have met him, and those close to him are feeling
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