Should i ask for compensation for my bike and loss of earnings?

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
So what you're actually doing is fishing for sympathy? Are you really that pathetic?

Steady on, the guy's come off his bike and suffered an injury serious enough to require a plaster.

If you did that - unless you did it by hitting a wall while cycling blind drunk - you might expect a bit of sympathy.

You could certainly expect not to be called names.


also available in orange
.If you read my opening post you'll see that i asked for advice that's all. It's only when the likes of you join in that things get out of hand and unfriendly.

So let's just recap shall we? You have started a thread (after contacting your solicitor) asking if you should sue a person because an accident happened on a group ride, the sum total damage of which is a scratched shifter and saddle. As you're self employed as a window cleaner, you've lost earnings too.

Did you at any point think to yourself, 'This isn't necessarily a good idea. It would cost me more in solicitor's fees than the sum total of what I've lost in earnings and replacement components (I'm sure you wouldn't be able to ask for a new shifter if it still works). So perhaps it might not be clever to start a thread on a forum on the internet about it open to everyone'?

You then proceeded to call him a git because he hasn't called up to beg forgiveness, and shower you with money as some kind of appeasement so clearly you're still quite bitter about it. You've fallen off your bike, you've hurt yourself, your bike has taken a bit of damage. Get your head out of your backside and jog on.

BTW, I broke my collarbone back in May for which I'm still under the hospital for. I haven't thought suing anyone for it.

Steady on, the guy's come off his bike and suffered an injury serious enough to require a plaster



Legendary Member
The old git has cut in front of others in the group besides me, many times. I'n not the only one to have had to put up with his i'm 80 but still think i'm a 25 year old attitude.
He has a habit of undertaking at speed. Imagine going down a hill at say 35 mph then all of a sudden, a bike passes on your left side.
You have just dramatically weakened your case for any compensation. You have admitted to knowing that this guy was a bit erratic yet still chose to cycle in close proximity to him.
Edit..I must learn to type as fast as Adrian!


Norven Mankey
Use fewer words.

Uz shrtr wrds?

Actually I have some sympathy for Accy in this case. He's been castigated here and, for sure, some things like contacting a solicitor were poor judgement. But the knee jerk reaction seems to be that "what happens on a group ride stays on a group ride". I don't think this should be the case. If someone is reckless and takes me down then I'll be suing. Now I'm not saying the other cyclist was reckless but the idea that when you're on a group ride you take your chances, no matter what, seems strange

Say the rider in front decides to take a phone call while you're all riding along and veers into you as a result, taking you down. What would you do about this?


In the groups I ride, if you are going to put a jacket on or take one off (or even take/make a phone call) then they would peel out to the side and drop off the back of the group.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Ah but being reckless or stupid is totally different from a genuine accident. This was a low speed tumble, and it's also common sense to give each other room at slow speeds, then close up as speed increases.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Maybe i dived in with the solicitor thoughts. I'm not after screwing this fellow for every penny he has. All i want is enough to cover the cost of a new saddle and maybe a days pay. Some on here have suggested he might've come off as badly as me. From what i gather that's not the case. According to one of the group who phoned me up, he was laughing about it in the cafe stop, saying that i made a good air bag.

I thought you wanted a months pay compensation. Now it's down to a day.

Maybe another 9 pages of this twaddle and you'll be down to an hour?


Legendary Member
If you have known he is dangerous to be near for a long time, why let yourself be anywhere near him?

Exactly. There are a couple of guys in a group I ride with who are an accident waiting to happen. One is an aggressive inconsiderate nobber, the other a wobbler .I make sure I give them a wide berth.


Legendary Member
The old git has cut in front of others in the group besides me, many times. I'n not the only one to have had to put up with his i'm 80 but still think i'm a 25 year old attitude.
He has a habit of undertaking at speed. Imagine going down a hill at say 35 mph then all of a sudden, a bike passes on your left side.

I ride with some unreliable riders like that. I deal with it by keeping an eye on where they are and generally trying to make sure I am somewhere else. That especially applies if the person is older and therefore has probably been in the group longer than I have.


Well-Known Member
Well look at it this way, if you were playing Sunday pub football and incurred an injury would you pursue the player or club who caused the injury by accident? Think in future you should look into insurance for loss of earnings if you are to be off work whilst self employed
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