Should i ask for compensation for my bike and loss of earnings?

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Christ, I despair.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Did that enquiry go along the lines of 'I was involved in a collision on a friendly bike ride. Can I sue the b'stard for every penny he has?'

The old git has cut in front of others in the group besides me, many times. I'n not the only one to have had to put up with his i'm 80 but still think i'm a 25 year old attitude.
He has a habit of undertaking at speed. Imagine going down a hill at say 35 mph then all of a sudden, a bike passes on your left side.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

Hows the bike?

Pics please :smile:
If i could sent pics i would. Not only of my bike but my elbow. I took the plaster off tonight and there's a freaky growth coming out my elbow, about 8mm by 6mm(a bit like a nipple). This was caused by the "accident". As for the bike, it has a 1 inch tear in the saddle. I wouldn't have minded if it was one of my others but it's my new bike.:headshake:


Whatever the outcome is, I'm just happy to see that your both still on this planet. If the other guy is in his 80s I'm just glad he managed to cycle on with no ill effect's. Why don't you give him a call. He may not be aware of how badly you've been hurt.Just break the ice with this chap with a simple respectable conversation and you may find out he is of the same disposition and maybe very concerned for your well being. It's an occupational hazard cycling were none blame accidents can happen. ( just like any sport for that matter). If major law suits became rife in cycling incidents the future would be for us all to legally require insurance to ride our bikes on the highway which I personally think would have a huge impact on it's popularity. Where all enthusiasts at the end of the day and I think we should respect and accept that accidents like this will always happen from time to time. I can fully understand your concern and anger but please just put it down to a bad experience and continue to enjoy what is essentially a free mode of transport and freedom that is now a rare entity in modern day society. If we the " cyclist " were to sue for every incidence that comes our way the whole vision of free clean transport would be ripped to pieces. Bad road surfaces , pot holes , aggressive drivers causing fear , diesel spillages , none treated roads in the winter ,
Where do you draw the line buddy ? It could go on for ever in the circle of cycling claims. I've had two incident's within the last few weeks of being cut up and wedged between car and wall to having a standoff with a an ignorant Range Rover driver. Do I sue these drivers for causing stress and worry for not wanting to ride again because it may of unsettled me phsycology for wanting to ride out again.
Not a chance. I just man up and get on with it and give as much as I get. Its your choice with cycling unfortunately. If you choose to pursue a pastime which doesn't require legal insurance you must also accept accidents will sometimes happen where it may be 50/50 .
I hope I don't sound disrespectful to you sir and hope this all blows over for you and the other rider peacefully .
All the best.



I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I've just made it home after being knocked off my bike. It happened this morning just as we were about to set off on our Wednesday run. Another of the group wobbled then fell to his right. I was passing him at the time, i didn't have time to react(i was clipped in)so i went down on my right hip....

The old git has cut in front of others in the group besides me, many times. I'n not the only one to have had to put up with his i'm 80 but still think i'm a 25 year old attitude.
He has a habit of undertaking at speed. Imagine going down a hill at say 35 mph then all of a sudden, a bike passes on your left side.
There is some disparity between the original account of the incident and the insinuations of this later post. Been working on your story for the lawyers have you?
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Whatever the outcome is, I'm just happy to see that your both still on this planet. If the other guy is in his 80s I'm just glad he managed to cycle on with no ill effect's. Why don't you give him a call. He may not be aware of how badly you've been hurt.Just break the ice with this chap with a simple respectable conversation and you may find out he is of the same disposition and maybe very concerned for your well being. It's an occupational hazard cycling were none blame accidents can happen. ( just like any sport for that matter). If major law suits became rife in cycling incidents the future would be for us all to legally require insurance to ride our bikes on the highway which I personally think would have a huge impact on it's popularity. Where all enthusiasts at the end of the day and I think we should respect and accept that accidents like this will always happen from time to time. I can fully understand your concern and anger but please just put it down to a bad experience and continue to enjoy what is essentially a free mode of transport and freedom that is now a rare entity in modern day society. If we the " cyclist " were to sue for every incidence that comes our way the whole vision of free clean transport would be ripped to pieces. Bad road surfaces , pot holes , aggressive drivers causing fear , diesel spillages , none treated roads in the winter ,
Where do you draw the line buddy ? It could go on for ever in the circle of cycling claims. I've had two incident's within the last few weeks of being cut up and wedged between car and wall to having a standoff with a an ignorant Range Rover driver. Do I sue these drivers for causing stress and worry for not wanting to ride again because it may of unsettled me phsycology for wanting to ride out again.
Not a chance. I just man up and get on with it and give as much as I get. Its your choice with cycling unfortunately. If you choose to pursue a pastime which doesn't require legal insurance you must also accept accidents will sometimes happen where it may be 50/50 .
I hope I don't sound disrespectful to you sir and hope this all blows over for you and the other rider peacefully .
All the best.



Maybe i dived in with the solicitor thoughts. I'm not after screwing this fellow for every penny he has. All i want is enough to cover the cost of a new saddle and maybe a days pay. Some on here have suggested he might've come off as badly as me. From what i gather that's not the case. According to one of the group who phoned me up, he was laughing about it in the cafe stop, saying that i made a good air bag.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
There is some disparity between the original account of the incident and the insinuations of this later post. Been working on your story for the lawyers have you?

Or it may be there is a bit more to this than first appeared.

Which, as with many stories ventilated on the internet, is very likely.
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