Spring ride Rutland Sun 14th April

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Deleted member 1258

Excellent day, thanks to TF and everyone else, thanks to Dr_P & Ju_Leggo for the cakes and the tea.


Marie Attoinette Fan
Great Ride, Great Weather and Great Company; oh and did I say GREAT :thumbsup: Thanks to everybody :smile:

Garmin Connect, direct from the GPS puts it 905m (856m corrected for contours) for 41miles. More importantly it was a min of 13deg, a max of 20deg and an average of 17.1deg so the legs came out :smile:

And fuelled by Banana Muffins and a scone + cake lunch stop I sprinted back to Potybo and enjoying this bare leg thing I went for another wee loop. The temp is still 18deg and :sun:, long may it continue :smile:


The day didn't exactly get off to an auspicious start with Kiwi-Sal getting severe lower back spasms about 40 mins before we were due to start, fortunately a hot water bottle and strong pain killers made it possible for her to ride. What with Vikeonabike with his cracked ribs, oldfatfool's swollen knee and dr_pink feeling very below par and an idiot on fixed gear I could be forgiven for thinking this might be a very long day.
The route took us past the Ospreys nest in Manton Bay, Rutland Water then through the villages of Manton, North Luffenham, South Luffenham, Barrowden, Seaton [great views of Harringworth Viaduct], Uppingham, where we came across some Sportive riders struggling up this hill that we flew down, or at least the others did, my legs were more like those of a demented hamster in one of those wheels, so I stopped halfway down and got some pics

It is a beautiful road surface and I'm sure I heard a Wheeeee!

They might have waited!

Of course this is Rutland so what goes down..............the next village of Horninghold is probably inhabited by people who light there fires with £20 notes but it is beautiful, I didn't dare take a picture, you will just have to believe me. The cafe was a couple of miles after this in Hallaton, I took this just after everyone had eaten and before mentioning the hill....

Sixteen or so miles later and the odd gradient and we were back in Oakham but not before a few spots of rain were felt. Fortunately the sun came back out and we enjoyed the cakes that dr_pink and Ju leggo provided. Our back garden was quite sheltered so I think there was a reluctance to move, definitely on my part.

My altimeter made that 933m climbed give or take 4 metres, or in old money 3061ft, we got back to Oakham at about 13.45 in spite of what must have been a 40 min cafe stop. What an excellent group of people to ride with, special thanks to all those that made such a long journey, Kiwi-Sal especially who only got home at 7.30 tonight!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sounds great - I'm not jealous! :whistle:

I'll join you for another one some time, hopefully this year.


The one in pink is not dr_pink if that helps? :thumbsup:

I recognise quite a few of those faces, was hoping for one of this so called Mr blobby though :tongue:
Because of Mr Blobby's size it would have required a panoramic view to get him all in. After today I am no longer Mr Blobby, but not quite a racing snake either. At one point I had to tell dr_pink to shut up because she was chatting away while we were climbng a mile long hill and I had no breath to answer grrrr.


Senior Member
The one in pink is not dr_pink if that helps? :thumbsup:
Yeah, the first time I rode out on my RHPro (stylish black and red) wearing pink, Ju leggo told me it wasn't a good look. I immediately had to go out any buy non-pink attire... I now realise it's because she had a cunning plan to be more pink than me!

At one point I had to tell dr_pink to shut up because she was chatting away while we were climbng a mile long hill and I had no breath to answer grrrr.
I really have lost my voice now though...

Thanks everyone for making the trip - it was a fab day

Btw potsy, I have frozen you some cake for when you come to visit...


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Looks like a nice ride, gutted I missed it :sad: . Can't really blame Mrs 4F as it was what I was suffering with the weekend before so it appears to be my fault for passing it on. Ho hum, next time.
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