Spring ride Rutland Sun 14th April

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Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
I regret i am going to have to bail on this one. Mrs 4f has been in bed most if the day suffering from man flu so I am on full on looking after the kids.

Have a good ride and see you on the next one.

Deleted member 1258

I'm not at work! Baring disaster, I'll come too so you can add me to the list.

I've probably missed it as I've read the whole thread on my phone, but what distance are we thinking of doing so I can judge what food/drink to bring along?

It'll be nice to see you again

Deleted member 1258

I regret i am going to have to bail on this one. Mrs 4f has been in bed most if the day suffering from man flu so I am on full on looking after the kids.

Have a good ride and see you on the next one.

Thats a shame, hope she gets well soon.


Gravitationally challenged member
Mr Blobby
+1 lady [who may have joined CC by now]
dave r
berty bassett? [waiting to hear]

Because of the strength of the wind I have actually sort of planned a route, on the outward leg we will be heading predominantly south but zigzagging so most of the time we will not be heading into the wind. If anyone has a small pair of binoculars that will go in a jersey pocket please bring them, all will be revealed on the day

Whoa! Two bluebottles? Looks like my sixth sense was working overtime when I decided to miss this one! ^_^
From the reference to small binocs, can I presume the Osprey/s has/have returned? No mention on Leics/Rutland birdwatchers' site yet.
Forecast looks good for tomorrow, albeit damn windy; still, the hills will protect you from most of the worst of it.........what? What?

Anyway, have a great day, one and all, I'll expect photos aplenty. All the best to Mrs 4F for a speedy recovery; shame on you for suggesting it's man flu, 4F, it's clearly far more serious, ladies don't have man flu, by definition.


Marie Attoinette Fan
If the met weather forecast is right, I'll turn up like a drowned rat for glorius sunshine :wacko:


I regret i am going to have to bail on this one. Mrs 4f has been in bed most if the day suffering from man flu so I am on full on looking after the kids.

Have a good ride and see you on the next one.
Oh no! There will always be a next time all the best to your good lady.
Message to Dave, bring gears, I'm not but then I'm stupid.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
sorry to wait so long and as much as i would like to meet you all - i cant make it this time - wifey is decided to have a spar pamper so i am going to be trying to teach son to change piston rings on small engine sorry its short notice - i had even found an address in barrowden to leave car at - have a good one and hope the rain holds off


Senior Member
Bad news, I think my ribs are broken (incident at work last week) so I have a ready made excuse for hanging around at the back of the bunch!

Walked into a gate today and polaxed my knee, so no hills would be good

Blimey, think I'd better get a first aid kit ready.
Suffering a bit myself - just about lost my voice :angry: ...could be a quiet ride tomorrow...
Just trying to pick which bike to ride - fixed for pure pinkness, new touring bike (with first aid kit in pannier), or the new hill climbing beauty (but as it's black and red I can't wear pink with that...)

Anyway best get back to baking post-ride cakes. A SWMBO's work is never done...;)

Deleted member 1258

Oh no! There will always be a next time all the best to your good lady.
Message to Dave, bring gears, I'm not but then I'm stupid.

The fixed is primed ready to go, though I still haven't changed the rear mudguard, well stuck bolt, so I'm black on the front and silver on the back till I can figure how to shift it.

Deleted member 1258

Just leaving, change of plan this end, I've got the Verenti in the back of the KA, I'm going to be on gears.


Brilliant ride out. Huge thanks to TF and Dr_P and all the others. Brilliant to put name to faces. Great coffee stop and cake Courtesy of Dr_P & Ju_Leggo were fantastic!
The ride was a good one only because of those that came on it, and what a great bunch we had, all of us had ridden together before in some combination apart from CopperCyclist who was a very welcome addition to the posse and I hope we will see him again. Full write up with pictures later as I have an allotment to go and work on :smile:.
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