Spring ride Rutland Sun 14th April

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There's a lot of white in that photo ^_^
I think there is a strong possibility there will be a lot of white on show, so much so that I am recommending sunglasses for all participants.
The posse so far:
+1 lady [who may have joined CC by now]
dave r
berty bassett? [waiting to hear]


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
Good news and bad news from me.. Bad news, I think my ribs are broken (incident at work last week) so I have a ready made excuse for hanging around at the back of the bunch! Good news, I'm not going to the doctors until after this ride!
What time are we meeting up?
Good news and bad news from me.. Bad news, I think my ribs are broken (incident at work last week) so I have a ready made excuse for hanging around at the back of the bunch! Good news, I'm not going to the doctors until after this ride!
What time are we meeting up?
Good news and bad news from me.. Bad news, I think my ribs are broken (incident at work last week) so I have a ready made excuse for hanging around at the back of the bunch! Good news, I'm not going to the doctors until after this ride!
What time are we meeting up?
10am Oakham station I'll ask the girls to go easy on you.
I'm not at work! Baring disaster, I'll come too so you can add me to the list.

I've probably missed it as I've read the whole thread on my phone, but what distance are we thinking of doing so I can judge what food/drink to bring along?
I dont think its been said but iirc it was 50miles with a great cafe stop :hungry:

Thank you! Will see you all there. Hopefully it's easy to find parking at or near Oakham station. Do I need any pennies for that? I really should think of these questions at the same time...
I dont think its been said but iirc it was 50miles with a great cafe stop :hungry:
Jumping the gun a bit there, I almost never do the same route twice, too much to choose from, all the routes are good and quiet and I don't do bad cafes :smile:, no idea on the distance, I never do until we set off.
Edit: Found it
Thank you! Will see you all there. Hopefully it's easy to find parking at or near Oakham station. Do I need any pennies for that? I really should think of these questions at the same time...
Parking is free, make sure you are on the east side of the station or it could get embarrassing, if anyone wants to swap mobile numbers send me a pm in case of hold ups. Just a reminder, it will not be quick because we have 2 injured riders, and some nutter on a big fixed gear, but hopefully you are in for a treat. Everyone else has been here before and all have done the forum ride except Vikeonabike who you will be able to compare notes with :rolleyes:.
Mr Blobby
+1 lady [who may have joined CC by now]
dave r
berty bassett? [waiting to hear]

Because of the strength of the wind I have actually sort of planned a route, on the outward leg we will be heading predominantly south but zigzagging so most of the time we will not be heading into the wind. If anyone has a small pair of binoculars that will go in a jersey pocket please bring them, all will be revealed on the day
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