The Fridays tour - Normandy 15th-22nd June

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Random geezer
I'll answer that after tomorrow. It is a 6.30am departure to get over to the west coast before the roads get busy. Then hills. Then a long ride back. 100k and v hilly says Dell. Hence early start. Thank god it's the last day. I'm knackered.


Random geezer
Early night all round. And it is a national holiday so everything is shut inc all bars shops supermarkets etc etc. Mice and I managed to find a couple of boulangeries before they shut so it is bread with cheese and some poncy foreign puddings. Pavlova, macaroons in various colours, choccy sweeties some sandwiches. And not much of that yellow fizzy stuff left either. Lunch was rather nice and the market at Bricquebec on the Monday seems to be on Dell's list of delights for Le Tour. Gordon was awfully cheeful after his Calvados after lunch. I managed to discover a delightful route back to the chateau via a lovely tarmac lane that soon deteriorated into a steep hilly rockstrewn nightmare with pushing bikes up hills. I don't think that will be on the agenda for Le Tour.


mmmmartin, you've really embraced the furrin' stuff with a passion that is evident.
Top marks to you, my fellow Londoner ^_^.
BTW Calvados has the capacity to sort everything out.
No, really.
Given enough of the stuff (yes, please) It is nothing other than an enabler.


Milton Keynes
Looking forward to this - encouraged by the references to fish soup etc - as a pseudo-vegetarian I find the choices in French eateries tend to the limited. They still mostly regard vegetarians as truly weird.


Silencing his legs regularly
Early night all round. And it is a national holiday so everything is shut inc all bars shops supermarkets etc etc. Mice and I managed to find a couple of boulangeries before they shut so it is bread with cheese and some poncy foreign puddings. Pavlova, macaroons in various colours, choccy sweeties some sandwiches. And not much of that yellow fizzy stuff left either. Lunch was rather nice and the market at Bricquebec on the Monday seems to be on Dell's list of delights for Le Tour. Gordon was awfully cheeful after his Calvados after lunch. I managed to discover a delightful route back to the chateau via a lovely tarmac lane that soon deteriorated into a steep hilly rockstrewn nightmare with pushing bikes up hills. I don't think that will be on the agenda for Le Tour.
L'enfer de la Normandie?


Random geezer
V early start and beasted by Dellzeqq out of the chateau by 6.30. 5.30 in proper time so almost nighttime. Long slog but road quite good. Nice lanes on the west side. Very good tarmac and windy twisty descents. Absolutely fab views of huge sandy bays and I wish I had packed my budgie smugglers for a quick dip. Hills were short and no problem even for an old fat bloke like me. Nice lunch place discovered by accident is on the itinerary deffo. Tomorrow is cleaning then A Last Massive Celebratory Gourmet Nosh at the local place then a glorious swoop down the hills to the boat. Mark the chateau owner might carry the luggage down in his car. A great trip and well worth coming. Have found some super rides and eateries.

This business of riding in forrin parts is no worry at all in fact it is suprisingly a lot better than in Dear Old Blighty. Johnny Foreigner is astoundingly respectful of cyclists, quite amazingly so. The Real Thing is going to be a real laugh.

We popped into the bike shop today. They have a huge range of kit and bikes and are really nice (they shook hands with us as we arrived - not like Halfords at all.....) and they seem to know what they are doing. Agent Hilda acquired a nice new top but Mice opted to return in June and get something.


Silencing his legs regularly
The ride to Paris I did for the Legion in 2010 was brilliant. I know this is going to be even better.

Hills? Bring it on. 5620ft of climbing practice today :smile:


pre-talced and mighty
1. The chateau is fab
2. this is going to be an altogether gentler trip than LonJog. The place is just too pretty to hurry though.
3. The cider is delightful
4. I've never, ever spent so much time on the small chainring, and never ever enjoyed it so much
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