Transporting a two piece suit to a wedding

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Senior Member
Did you shower or did you go to the wedding stinking of sweaty ballsack?
I don't even know what a sweaty ballsack smells like, and I'm not wanting to find out. I treat mine with Old Spice cologne so that when things heat up, all I smell is Old Spice with a slight tang.


Cynical idealist
The same as I wear every other day, combats, hiking boots t shirt. Never owned or worn a suit.
I have in the past been a guest at quite a few I just refuse to dress up, it's the person not what they wear.
By the by, just seen on a beeb press review a big story saying that expensive weddings are substantially more likely to end with a divorce of the couple.

doesn't surprise me.

Yep the curse of the string quartet lives on.

My advice - if you hear the strings starting up at the reception, take your machine gun out of your own violin case and spray them.

Folk might accuse you of making a bit of a scene but in later years they will thank you.


Legendary Member
My suit, shirt and tie is on a wooden hanger. The whole lot just gets rolled together and fits nicely in an ortlieb pannier. Have to shake out the debris from the pannier first! Most of the time I get away with a jacket which stays at work and i Just transfer shirts.


Legendary Member
Be glad it's just a suit. Try transporting a kilt and everything that goes along with it!
Saw a guy on an ebike cycling through Craignure,Isle of Mull wearing a kilt. Probably a guide going to Duart Castle a few miles down the road.
When I was at school in Helensburgh a fellow pupil cycled the couple of miles to school every day wearing a kilt. Fairly big guy so nobody ever took the p—-s .


Über Member
Saw a guy on an ebike cycling through Craignure,Isle of Mull wearing a kilt. Probably a guide going to Duart Castle a few miles down the road.
When I was at school in Helensburgh a fellow pupil cycled the couple of miles to school every day wearing
I sweat in lycra, even in winter. Could never imagine cycling in a kilt.


Legendary Member
Well at least it doesn’t matter if you forget your undies :whistle:
When I was at a Wales Trade Show I was asked the inevitable question. The infallible get out is to take them gently by the hand “ let’s just go behind this screen and we can find out.” Scream and run.
Worked every time as it was only females who asked.
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