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Designated Survivor (Netflix)

Superior tosh indeed, this, with Jack Bauer President Kirkman making some tough decisions this episode. The political elements are what lift it out of "24 in the Captiol" territory, I think, and so far, it's been very entertaining.
Yes Im watching that and IMO although its the usual "look how great America is" and at times a bit cheesy its not a bad watch.
Watching Fear The Walking Dead just to get ready for next weeks return of The Walking Dead
Lacking a little (budget?) compared to its big sister but still worth a watch


North Shields
I have just finished Stranger Things. And whilst I did enjoy it I'm not sure I thought it was as good as it's being made out - there's nothing original at all and I spent most of the time thinking about the inspiration rather than the show itself.

Also, making your monster look like a huge flower really isn't scary.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Black Mirror S3 (Netflix)
Binged while I was ironing, so very much a first impression, but a good, mostly quite bleak selection of stories in this season.

Gomorrah (Amazon Prime)
Struggling to get into this, although that's probably because I've only watched it in bits and bobs.

Still Game (iPlayer)
Thanks to whomever recommended this upthread - the "Gadgets" episode was terrific.

Tin Pot

Last Man on Earth - Amazon

Very good actually.

I have to watch it in instalments but it does make me chuckle on the train.

I think it might have been better if noone else showed up, just watching him do daft stuff was entertaining enough.

Tin Pot

Preacher - Amazon

Good. Disgusting. Weak. Complex. Shallow. Evocative.

The cinematography is excellent anyway.



Elementary season 4. It is getting very "samey" now.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I'm struggling to get hooked by Daredevil. After watching Jessica Jones, I had high hopes for anything Marvel/Netflicks but this isn't really grabbing me. It's a slow mover, maybe too slow. It's not Gotham.


North Shields
Desperate Housewives - Guilty Pleasure / 10.

Ridiculous, funny and occasionally very moving, I've always had a soft spot for this show. SophRM bought me the box setages ago, partly because she has never seen it. Thankfully she's enjoying it as much as I always have, and she discovered just how devastating the Screen Writer's Guild Strike was as series 5 is hilariously bad. The first two or three episodes of series 6 is spent desperately papering over the cracks which is almost as funny, especially as you can tell when the talented writers have been forced to chuck a scene to their stand ins.
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