What was your mileage this year ?

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I just looked at my diary and it showed that it started off well in January with 40 miles and then went downhill for the next couple of months . Chest niggles for the next 2 months made me take it easy ,plus the series of storms didn't help either . :angry:
To be fair it would have been well over 10,000 miles but I deleted part of one ride

I had started several hundred miles south of the Barents sea and cycled just north of direct East to Warrington - then followed the canals to Warrington and back

There was a vague possibility that the initial GPS fix was somewhat off - so I cropped the ride

Still got my 10,000 miles badge from "Love to Ride" because they apparently can;t remove it easily


1769, being as the continually rotten weather has stopped me getting out again today, to tip past 1800 😭

A disappointment, down almost 400 on last year. A combination of factors, ranging from Covid taking a month off the bike, the generally rotten weather that has been there for most of this year and to be honest a lack of motivation to get out sometimes.

Next year I WILL break 2000 again, which is always my target, god willing.

Deleted member 1258

A very disappointing 895 miles for me this year, about what I was doing in 6 weeks a few years ago. :sad: I missed out this morning, my Good Ladies carer was here about eight which gave me time for a ride but the bad weather meant I couldn't get out, which about sums up the winter.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Some cracking numbers folks - where do you find the time and motivation..?

I managed IIRC 1160 recorded miles (not including some shortish jaunts on the rotter at work, which maybe account for another 50-100 miles).

Did about 400 miles of the total on the new-to-me Fuji (tourer), which has really helped get me out under the guise of utility, the rest on the Genesis (gravel) and none (that I can recall, maybe one ride) on the Boardman (road).. I keep thinking about moving the road bike on as it's rarely used, but it is a nice bike for what it is and noticeably faster than the rest.. not that this is often my primary goal nowadays.

More miles than last year anyway, which is some small semblance of progress I guess. I'd like to do a lot more but find it difficult round here - were I back in Oxford I'd be doing a fair amount just commuting (from where I used to live this would swallow up all of this year's mileage on its own); which would be most welcome..


Just cleared out my Garmin ready for next year. Clocked 682 miles which is nothing special compared to some of you guys and to my younger self. But quite pleased with my consistency and got myself fit enough to ride a dozen 10mile TT's. Managed a 29:38 time and a 4 seconds beating of my age standard in August. Looking forward to a gradual start in 2023 and my next 10 in April.


My Armchair
369 miles according to strava 😊


Über Member
1554 miles, bit underwhelming, started and ended the year running (422 miles including a 3:25:52 marathon) with the bulk of the cycling from May to October.

Out of the 1554 cycling miles 530 were exercise bike miles, bloody collarbone, and it took nearly two months to get it plated.
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