Women drinking pints?

Should women be allowed to drink a pint in public?

  • Yes, in a pint glass like a bloke

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, it should be 2 half pint glasses

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Women should not be allowed to drink beer

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
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With a straw and some fruit salad perhaps.
Are you serious?


Bird Saviour
actually, i've voted for two half pints. nothing wrong with keeping your femininity. i mean come on, would you fancy a bloke who wore lippy? No, i want my man to masculine, and i would want my bloke to fancy me coz i'm feminine.

this doesn't mean i don't agree with equal pay and equal rights tho, i once joined the fireservice, but it doesn't mean i have to forget i'm a girl.


New Member
Whether a woman drinks pints or not is unimportant. People should drink from vessels that enables them to finish at the same time as their drinking compadres, ensuring that rounds synchronise.

I'm a pint man, but my wingman, Jim the Havoc, drinks out of pitchers.


Bird Saviour
but i also think we have a right to choose :angry:


I prefer to drink out of half pint glasses. However if it takes ages to get served at the bar then I will drink out of a pint glass to save the trauma of going to the bar as often (or rather, save my better half the trauma of going to the bar more often).


buggi said:
but i also think we have a right to choose :angry:

Typical bloody woman, says one then means another...

Pint for me barman and a White Wine for the lady

Pints, halves, whatever she wants. Ms RT, who is quite petite and feminine, drinks pints when we're out, and a female friend of mine is more than capable of matching me pint for pint.
Ultimately any woman should drink what she likes and ignore any restrictions relating to volume or substance that I try and place on her consumption. And quite right too.
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