England : North Yorkshire York - Humber Bridge - York

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If cars can still get through for access, as the article says, then push bikes should be fine to sidle through between the cones and signs if it's done politely, I would have thought?

I can nip up there on Thursday evening and report back, if required.

Current forecast for Saturday doesn't look great. Let's hope that alters.


If cars can still get through for access, as the article says, then push bikes should be fine to sidle through between the cones and signs if it's done politely, I would have thought?

I can nip up there on Thursday evening and report back, if required.

A quick reccy would be great - at least we know what plan B looks like then

Current forecast for Saturday doesn't look great. Let's hope that alters.
Shush now - just a chance of light showers in the afternoon - lets not jinx the weather gods!

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I have a reply from James the East Riding infrastructure man.

Appears whatever roadworks there is going to be won't affect us at the weekend:

"The road will be closed from near the Wetlands access at the North Cave end (there will be some cones to navigate); however currently no work is taking place between North Cave and North Cliffe (so you'll be fine to head West down Sands Lane)."

Sands - or Sand - Lane is the left (west) turn we take at North Cliffe, so we will be able to stick to the planned route.
Yes, it's a really tricky one regarding the weather forecast for this ride. The forecast is now marginally better for Saturday than it was 'saying' last night. Both @ColinJ and myselfwill be getting up at an unearthly hour on Saturday morning then cycling to Hebden Bridge to get the best timed train that ensures an early enough arrival at York to start the ride at 9 am. All very worthwhile if the weather is largely reasonable for most of the day. But if, come Friday afternoon, the forecast for York/Hull is showing a 50% or more chance of heavy rain (and/or strong headwinds) for long periods of the ride I would not call that a fun or enjoyable day out and despite having already purchased the rail ticket I would reluctantly withdraw from participating.

However, we all know the forecast can change dramatically between now and Saturday. With a bit of luck any heavy rain and high winds will occur after we are at least on the train back home having completed a dry century ride in good company. We can review the forecast on Friday pm and make a decision then.

Fingers crossed.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Yes, it's a really tricky one regarding the weather forecast for this ride. The forecast is now marginally better for Saturday than it was 'saying' last night. Both @ColinJ and myselfwill be getting up at an unearthly hour on Saturday morning then cycling to Hebden Bridge to get the best timed train that ensures an early enough arrival at York to start the ride at 9 am. All very worthwhile if the weather is largely reasonable for most of the day. But if, come Friday afternoon, the forecast for York/Hull is showing a 50% or more chance of heavy rain (and/or strong headwinds) for long periods of the ride I would not call that a fun or enjoyable day out and despite having already purchased the rail ticket I would reluctantly withdraw from participating.

However, we all know the forecast can change dramatically between now and Saturday. With a bit of luck any heavy rain and high winds will occur after we are at least on the train back home having completed a dry century ride in good company. We can review the forecast on Friday pm and make a decision then.

Fingers crossed.
Hmm, the forecast is actually WORSE than the previous time that I checked! :sad:

Having experienced some dreadful weather for the last 90 minutes of the Settle forum ride, I am in no hurry to suffer that kind of thing for a considerably longer period of time. Last year's Humber Bridge ride gave us a taster for how bad it could get but at least that blew over fairly quickly.

I think if we can expect many hours of bad weather, I would drop out too. I'd put up with an hour or two of it but if it looks like heavy rain and windy conditions for hour after hour then I'd rather not be getting up at 05:00, cycling 4.5 miles to Hebden Bridge station, and spending £10+ on a ticket to go and get drenched! :okay:

I'll check the forecast on Friday afternoon too and make my decision then. If conditions are so bad that NOBODY wants to ride on the 22nd, I could probably make the 29th as a fallback option?

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I understand @ColinJ and @Littgull don't want to set out on a big travelling/riding day if hours of heavy rain is all but guaranteed.

An hour or two of forecast rain, or forecast rain late in the day, wouldn't be so bad.

Makes sense to check the forecast on Friday, although I could do with a firm decision by late Friday afternoon.

By the way, before I started riding a bicycle regularly, I would have told you July is a good month for the weather.

It isn't, it's very iffy.


As I live in York I'm fortunate in that I don't have to weigh the cost/inconvenience of travel against the likely enjoyment of the ride, so I am happy to leave the decision whether to go ahead or not with those that are travelling.

If the decision is to postpone, then I'm happy to do the 29th instead as a plan B.


Not sure on the 29th but my hardiness as a Yorkshireman is that the forecast doesn't look too bad for the weekend? It shows 10mph winds and 2-3mm of rain mid afternoon - the thought of good company and cake outweigh that every time.

I'll watch the thread for updates and will make a final call Friday evening.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
2-3 mm doesn't sound bad; the forecasts I looked at (Met Office and BBC, for York, Goole and Hull) seemed to suggest long periods of heavy rain!

Pause to look up how much rain is "heavy" ...

Rates of rainfall:
  • Drizzle: Very small droplets.
  • Slight (fine) drizzle: Detectable as droplets only on the face, car windscreens and windows.
  • Moderate drizzle: Windows and other surfaces stream with water.
  • Heavy (thick) drizzle: Impairs visibility and is measurable in a raingauge, rates up to 1 mm per hour.
  • Rain, drops of appreciable size and may be described as small to large drops. It is possible to have rain drops within drizzle!
  • Slight rain: Less than 0.5 mm per hour.
  • Moderate rain: Greater than 0.5 mm per hour, but less than 4.0 mm per hour.
  • Heavy rain: Greater than 4 mm per hour, but less than 8 mm per hour.
  • Very heavy rain: Greater than 8 mm per hour.
  • Slight shower: Less than 2 mm per hour.
  • Moderate shower: Greater than 2 mm, but less than 10 mm per hour.
  • Heavy shower: Greater than 10 mm per hour, but less than 50 mm per hour.
  • Violent shower: Greater than 50 mm per hour.
Where did you look up the actual amount of rain forecast?


Never used Über Member
I've been keeping a weather eye on this ride (see what I did there?) in the hope commitments here might change and I could ask for a last minute slot.
That's not going to happen now, unfortunately.:sad:

However looking at top Norwegian weather site yr.no it doesn't make pleasant reading for Saturday...





Puzzle game procrastinator!
Brian and I have been watching the forecasts and we feel that they have improved enough to make it worth our while risking a good soaking!

Our train is due to arrive at York station at 08:03. Since it is likely to be chilly and damp then I think we will hang about in the station until about 08:25 and then ride round to the Minster, arriving at 08:30.

Reminder to @Buck, @Slioch, @gbs, @Pale Rider, @EasyPeez, @SpuddyJones, @Soltydog - the ride is on!

Please confirm if you are going to be meeting us at the Minster. Once we have gathered at ~08:30, we will set off ASAP after that to avoid standing around getting cold and wet.
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