Your favourite childhood toys

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My dad bought me a Major Matt Mason for my 8th birthday in 1968.


For the following Christmas I got the 'baddie' on the left.


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Er, I had one of these as well!:blush:

My great grandma bought it for me as she wanted my mum to have a girl, but I popped out instead. I think she was losing it a bit, so when we went to visit great grandma my mum made me play with the thing in front of her to amuse her...and greatly embarrass me!! 🧐


Legendary Member
Did anyone have the action man hang glider and actually get it to work?

I'd run along with mine like a kite, and when it finally released it would glide for ten feet at most before nose diving.


I can't remember for the life of me what it was called, but my friend had a cool toy back in 1980 ish.
It was essentially a turn table but it was landscaped with roads..As it turned you had a dinky type car that you had to steer along as the turn table thing rotated.
Any ideas what it was?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I told my teenage kids I had one of these recently. They thought is was hilarious.

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My dad had a couple of those in his shed. I don't know what happened to them, as they just disappeared. Maybe they just conked out. He told us they were bought for him as a child in the 1930's.
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My dad had a couple of those in his shed. I don't know what happened to them, as they just disappeared. Maybe they just conked out. He told us they were his, bought for him as a child in the 1930's.

I used to go to the Dorset steam rally at Stourpaine every year as a kid and I wanted one of the model steam tractors but they were a bit pricey.


Legendary Member
I can't remember for the life of me what it was called, but my friend had a cool toy back in 1980 ish.
It was essentially a turn table but it was landscaped with roads..As it turned you had a dinky type car that you had to steer along as the turn table thing rotated.
Any ideas what it was?

I can picture what you mean but I don't know what it was called.


I bet everyone had one of these! :okay:

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The book "How to Do Nothing With Nobody All Alone by Yourself" had instructions on how to make these. I still have a copy somewhere.


I found the book - first published in 1959, my edition is from 1960.

A bit of a eye-opener to read it now! As well as cotton reel tanks, it has several games to play with sharp pocket knives, how to bore holes in conkers with an ice pick, make a bolas from conkers, plus making a catapult, a throwing stick and a slingshot. There's also a section on making weird noises with plants and with a rotating wooden clapper on string.

How to do.jpg
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
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