2016 Cycling Goals & New Year's resolutions

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Über Member
Mine is to drop 3 stone,which will mean riding more and eating healthier(any tips for cheap,quick and easy meals greatly appreciated!)and try to manage a 30+ mile ride.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Nobody seems to have started a thread.

Mine is to drop 3 stone in weight and ride 6000 miles and not to N+1.

What's yours? And did you stick to 2015's?

2015 has been a disaster, both health and cycling wise.

2016 has to be better

2-3 st weight loss would be nice.
2000 miles will be my cycling target (less than 1000 this year)
Good luck to both of you (and gaz), and I hope that we all get to ride together again in the NY, so ...

Resolution #1 - Get @potsy and @just_fixed out on another of my forum rides in 2016!

Resolution #2 - I have already lost most of the weight that I want to lose, but it would nice to lose one final stone.

Resolution #3 - Ride 6,000+ miles (2015 target was 4,015 miles, achieved about 4,100).

Resolution #4 - Ride 2 or more rides >= 100 kms every month (2015 target was 1 or more - achieved) PLUS 1 or more other rides >= 50 kms (which I also did this year).

I also want to get faster. I won't make the following targets actual resolutions because I am not sure that I can achieve them, but I want to have another go at a 20 minute Cragg Vale climb and a 5 hour imperial century.


Lose 2-3 stone (I dropped 5 stone in 2014, but only 2 this year - I did lose more but I've put some back on again :popcorn::mrpig:)

Join a club so my rides are more social

Do the metric century per month challenge.


Kilometre nibbler
Well, I've decided to go for the imperial century a month challenge, which will be a real stretch in the winter months. Maybe a 200k Audax or two in the summer. I have a holiday just before the Tour de France in which we are planning to ride one or two of the stage routes. There's a full calendar of FNRttCs. Work permitting I'm aiming to keep the Brommie in play with commuting rides. And later in the year is the rather ill judged decision to try to ride one Godwin (205.6 miles, thread here) but the more I think about that, the more I think it's likely to be beyond me ... a man's got to know his limitations.


Parts unknown...baby
do my first 100 miler
enter a sportive
aim for 10000 miles ridden in a year
re discover my fitness of 2014
Join a local cycling club..maybe
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Dog on a bike
To get back to my 2012 level of fitness. 2013 put a bit of a dent in that fitness but I think what really did the damage was doing a different job for 6 months from Oct 14 which meant commuting by train into London most days. Now settled back into a role with a fixed base so commuting should be better.

To rediscover the joys of being out on the bike which will probably mean more centuries but also more lone rides around Kent.

Oh and the century a month thing.
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