2016 Cycling Goals & New Year's resolutions

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
To stop logging all my rides and forget about targets and mileage and just enjoy my cycling when I want with no pressure attached.


Never used Über Member
Half century a month challenge
Ride my first century (metric and imperial, hopefully)
Ride 500+ miles in a month (current best is 345)
Do a Sportive (there is much talk at work about a couple of us doing the Wiggle Vale Velo in April...)
Improve my bike maintenance skills
Keep cycling
Get Mrs ND back out on her bike


Slightly retro
West Wales
1. Commute through the winter, ice and Atlantic gales excepted
2. Switch from electric to pushbike for commuting when clocks go forward
3. Increase distances on weekend rides from current ~10 mile average, aiming for ...
4. Complete Tour of Pembrokeshire in April (only the 50-mile option, but you've got to start somewhere)
5. Continue logging ride miles and times, aiming for 2000 by the end of the year
6. Try to get a small cycling holiday in, even if it's only an overnighter with credit card.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Maybe get one of those computer thingamybobs so I can track my progress :dry:.



Active Member
same as many others just a safe year of cycling for me. I have given up on timing myself the amount of traffic lights I go through it just isn't worth it. I just ride as hard as I can each and every ride and if I'm knackered and sweating my nads off then I'm happy


Kilometre nibbler
I did a bit of spreadsheeting last night. Using the three years of MAMIL-era data that I have in ridewithgps. I got an Eddington of 62. Of course, that could well be completely wrong as I may have misunderstood the point of it.

The thing is that most of my rides are either short (5-15k commutes) or 100-110k, with a few others thrown in. This distribution is probably why I get an Eddington of 62 (approx 100k).

I'm not sure how interesting I find Eddington or whether I want to improve it. It's a bit hard to understand what it means. Maybe I'll redo the calculation in a years time and see if it's interesting then.
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