443mph average speed on Endomondo today

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Senior Member
Rayleigh, Essex
Hi guys
I used the Endomono app for the first time today on an HTC Desire S.

I am really pleased with it but I seem to have some strange average speed anomaly, where it says I was doing 443mph for short burst today ^_^
Now, I was going pretty quick in some areas today, but I don't think I was going quite this quick!!

Has anyone else experienced this?
Am I doing something wrong?

Here's the link to my workout - Not sure if you'll be able to see the issue due to access privileges

Any thoughts appreciated....
There are some anomalies ....

When I compared an Edge 705 and an Edge 800 the front of my bike was not only faster than the back, but finished some 300 yards ahead!


The most I've ever seen on my old smartphone was 550mph - but that was sat on a plane on the way back from spain a couple of years ago :laugh:


Just call me Chris...
Ha, slowcoach, 514mph was my best ^_^

I've had it occasionally with Endomondo but not often. I assume it's just a glitch when the GPS loses signal monetarily and then regains it without compensating for the time loss.

Just my guess anyway, 99% of the time it tracks perfectly so you've probably just been unlucky hitting a glitch on your first go.


A Human Being
My Edge 500 once showed me cycling at 62mph whist I was filtering slowly through traffic.
It also once displayed a route whereby I cycled across many graves in a graveyard in the opposite direction to my real direction.
1143.7mph is my top speed ;)


Well-Known Member
Looks like the phone lost GPS signal at mile 24 and picked it up again at mile 26 (see straight line through fields/houses).


A Human Being
Looks like the phone lost GPS signal at mile 24 and picked it up again at mile 26 (see straight line through fields/houses).
Maybe you passed a vehicle with a GPS jammer, read recently they are a growing problem.
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