Advice needed - Bike seized

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I'd lay it on thick about how you use the bike for transport... not lie but emphasise. I know they seize cars but surely not just because someone said it was theirs.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Spend a few days getting the bike back first, before launching a complaints process that I'd expect to be ineffective and destroy goodwill with the officers handling it.


Never used Über Member
Speak to the sergeant and leave them in no doubt that failure to return your bike tomorrow will result in a formal complaint.
You've supplied evidence it's your bike, the officer dealing accepts it's your bike and they know who you are and where you live (and have no doubt already checked you out through the system). There can be no reasonable excuse not to return your bike now.
It might also be time to mention involving the IPCC.


Active Member
I'd lay it on thick about how you use the bike for transport... not lie but emphasise. I know they seize cars but surely not just because someone said it was theirs.
I did have to drive in to work yesterday and I'm assuming will have to drive to the city centre to collect it, incurring parking charges for the pleasure too.
Officer confused me too, one second it was you have to wait for the other parties to come back with any proof the bike may be there's. Then something about she's working nights so there's no one to release my bike.
Then I advise about my meeting with a sarge and she is saying oh they may be able to speed the process up for you then...


Senior Member
the fact that she's working nights is her problem not yours - if she broke her leg while on duty would she expect all of "her" cases to wait until she returned ? Think youi've been more than patient and think its time you changed from "good cop" to "bad cop". Also worth pointing out that if the other party don't get back to her, they are actually wasting police time. Tbh I always tend to look on the police website at their mission statement and point out where their actions and the mission statement start to diverge. Good luck and really hope that you get it back tomorrow


Leg End Member
Hmmm just had a call from the officer I've been trying to get through to who I emailed my proof to the other day.
She says she is in no doubt the bike is mine based on the evidence but..... She has to give me accusers time to respond and that deadline is next weds !!!!!

Amazing is all I can think, still going to talk to the sarge tomorrow. Surely it would make more sense to give me by bike back based on my evidence with them knowing my address and then come and get me if they find out I'm a master theif later on?
Forget the sarge, ask to speak to the Duty Inspector upon arrival.
Said it earlier, but I think the bike has gone.


This is starting to sound like a windup!


Leg End Member
From the West Midlands police site
Complaints and compliments
If you think a police officer or member of police staff has behaved incorrectly or unfairly, you have the right to make a complaint.

Policing is often carried out under difficult conditions. There may be occasions when you think we haven't delivered the service you expect. Also, there are occasions, as in any other business, when we get things wrong.

Our quality of service commitment
We're committed to providing a level of service that responds professionally and appropriately to your particular needs.

You can give us feedback on our service, good or bad, at Rate your local police

Providing a professional and high quality service
We are committed to responding to your needs by providing you with appropriate help and advice. We will take all your concerns seriously and explain what will be done to address them, including whether or not any further action will be taken and why.

We will:
  • Always treat you politely and fairly, with dignity and respect.
  • Listen and take your concerns seriously and explain what we are doing to address them, including whether or not we are taking action, and why.
Speak to the sergeant and leave them in no doubt that failure to return your bike tomorrow will result in a formal complaint.
You've supplied evidence it's your bike, the officer dealing accepts it's your bike and they know who you are and where you live (and have no doubt already checked you out through the system). There can be no reasonable excuse not to return your bike now.
It might also be time to mention involving the IPCC.

I agree with every part of this except the IPCC bit. They genuinely wouldn't be interested due to the level of the issue and would send it back to a local complaint, so I'd replace that with classic's suggestion of a complaint to the inspector.

"I have no doubt it's yours but I need to give the other party time to respond" is just frankly, ridiculous.

I'm hoping your meeting with the sergeant goes well and resolves it.

As for "on nights so can't release it" - not true. They couldn't access the property office themselves, that's true - but they could email the office authorizing release, and you could then make direct contact with the property office yourself and arrange to pick it up - I've done that many times.

It's getting silly now, and unlike most of the things on here when people moan about the police, this one is genuinely starting to get embarrassing...


Leg End Member
Waiting with bated breath to see how this turns out! The whole thing seems really bizarre but I think this is just the nature of handling the public now...kit gloves and trying not to upset anyone. Farcical.
Kid gloves and not upsetting anyone might be right in describing they way they're dealing with it. Maybe its how they actually perceive bicycles, not a genuine means of transport, unlike a car. If true then they'd do well to rethink that part.
Alternative transport has had to be found by one person. No receipt for property seized appears to have been given, which would have had to include the details of the officer involved. Basic paperwork required to keep track of property & officers never issued.
The owner was asked to provide proof of ownership, now its time for the police, force & individuals to start doing the same. Say who is dealing with the issue and get that person or persons to deal with it.
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