Advice on roundabout crash

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Just heard that my eldest son has been offed on a roundabout by a car pulling out on him. Having been a close follower of these fourms for some, I think I know what I would do if something similar happened to me, but unfortunately he wasn't as well informed.

His injuries don't appear too serious at the moment, but his hip and shoulder are very painful, he also hit his head and has damaged his helmet. There were no witnesses.

Neither the Police or Ambulance Service were called at the time, as he jumped up straight away, probably due to adrenaline. He was even going to ride home, but the driver insisted on giving him a lift home, which I am sure was a kind gesture, rather than anything else.

I have advised him to see the doctor and get his injuries looked at. I have also said to get his bike looked at by the LBS, although he thinks it is ok.

Should he contact the Police and report this? He also thinks that the car had heavily tinted side windows, because he couldn't see the driver. If this was the case, then this would probably have contributed to the crash and I believe it is illegal.

I have also suggested he contacts RJW or Cycle-Claims to get some advise from the.

I know there is a wealth of experience on this forum, so would appreciate any other advice you can provide.


Über Member
That sucks. I hope he is feeling OK.

Did he get the car's registration number, or any details from the driver?

I would imagine he would struggle to get anything beyond medical help without being able to identify the car or driver.


That sucks. I hope he is feeling OK.

Did he get the car's registration number, or any details from the driver?

I would imagine he would struggle to get anything beyond medical help without being able to identify the car or driver.

Sorry, I forget to say that. He has all the contact details and the driver gave him a lift home.


Über Member
I personally believe the police should be involved and be informed even if you are reluctant to press for charges. Take pics of the bike and your son's injuries as soon as possible as evidence.
1) Contact the police - get it reported. No action will be taken but it will have been reported. He should do this ASAP (tomorrow if possible)

2) As you suggest, contact RJ&W or similar

3) He needs to see a doctor ASAP - if there is a minor injuries unit he should go there - he could well have injuries that only feel like "a bit of pain after a knock" but are more long lasting - I'm having physio after a crash with shoulder pain that felt that way at first (getting worse after a few hours) 3 months ago and I can pull/lift but I can't push or press

The thing is to get these processes under way NOW, and stop them later if there is no injury and no damage, rather than delay it and try to claim later if something is amiss.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Report to police within 24 hours. Unlikely they will do anything, but at least get an incident number for the insurance. Watch the hip and shoulder.

My accident on a roundabout sounds similar. I jumped up too. Just had shoulder compressed 2 years after accident and have permanent nerve damage. So make sure he gets checked out. Go to GP. Likely be sent for X-ray.
Get him seen to. I took a hit about a month ago, nothing damaged but I took my friends finally bullied me in to going to A&E two days later. It's better safe than sorry.


New Member
The fact that the driver assisted him suggests he has little to hide, but for safety and improved statistical recording, report, examine (body & bike) and get back on as soon as is practical - we all get bumped or bounce off unassisted occasionally, but where a (possible) breach of the rules of the road is concerened, best thing is to get it down on paper.

Good luck, I'm guessing he's young enough to heal more quickly than you or I !


Quick update. He has been to A&E and confirmed that there are no broken bones, but he has quite a bit of brusing.
The drivers husband has now phoned and didn't appear to be quite as helpful as the wife! Apparently he is suggesting that her version of events is different to my son's. It would appear there is some damage to the car on the drivers door, so not sure how they are going to be able to suggest this was the cyclist's fault! As of yet they have not provided details of the car, insurance or their address. Well the clock is now counting and if they don't provide this by this evening, then I believe they will be commiting an offence, unless they have notified the Police. Fortunately he does know the land line number and the owners name, so if it does get nasty then they should be traceable.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Surprise, surprise. The story changes. Get onto solicitor now and let them sort it. He has the reg, that's all that is needed now. Your son does not need to contact the third party again.


Well-Known Member
Quick update. He has been to A&E and confirmed that there are no broken bones, but he has quite a bit of brusing.
The drivers husband has now phoned and didn't appear to be quite as helpful as the wife! Apparently he is suggesting that her version of events is different to my son's. It would appear there is some damage to the car on the drivers door, so not sure how they are going to be able to suggest this was the cyclist's fault! As of yet they have not provided details of the car, insurance or their address. Well the clock is now counting and if they don't provide this by this evening, then I believe they will be commiting an offence, unless they have notified the Police. Fortunately he does know the land line number and the owners name, so if it does get nasty then they should be traceable.

Surely best to take the initiative here though? What if they've gone or are planning to go and report their amended sequence of events. If there is no witnesses to fall back on and there is the remotest plausibility about their story, not only might your son have weakened any chance of justifiable compensation, he may have the tables well and truly turned and be looking at claims for damage to the car, driver stress and whiplash even!

It's a cruel world out there, seize the day!
Quick update. He has been to A&E and confirmed that there are no broken bones, but he has quite a bit of brusing.
The drivers husband has now phoned and didn't appear to be quite as helpful as the wife! Apparently he is suggesting that her version of events is different to my son's. It would appear there is some damage to the car on the drivers door, so not sure how they are going to be able to suggest this was the cyclist's fault! As of yet they have not provided details of the car, insurance or their address. Well the clock is now counting and if they don't provide this by this evening, then I believe they will be commiting an offence, unless they have notified the Police. Fortunately he does know the land line number and the owners name, so if it does get nasty then they should be traceable.

They've got 72 hours to give you the details.

I know this after doing 200m on the bonnet of a drunks car last year.


Evidence based cyclist
How dare they try and change their "version" of events!

Good luck, hope your son gets at least a new bike out of their insurance.


Further update. I think that after reading the advice on this forum he has now contacted a cycle claim solicitor. They have taken on the case and based on the name and phone number were able to provide the address immediately.
They are writing a letter to the driver today and have now advised my son to inform the driver and husband of this should they contact him.

Thanks for all the advice.
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