Aims for this year.

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What are they, can you state them and will you report back here on them?

I'd love to see some ride reports, whatever they be. In particular I'd love to see some pics, a route description and an account. In short, a blog, in the modern parlance.

My aims? Simple. To do some rides I know I will enjoy, whatever their length. I've a 28 mile ride I hope to do next week. Short, but beautiful roads with a mere 1500ft of climbing ;). I shall endeavour to take some piccies. I have others planned through the early part of this year, plus a small tour. I aim to do 1500 miles this year, not huge but feasible. Some aims remain unformed, I shall see how I progress.
i'd like to commute more than i have in the past, I work shifts so it is the thought of having to get on the bike at the end of the afternoon shift that i find hardest to overcome, strangely getting up at just gone 5 to cycle in isn't so bad!

on the recreational side of the cycling fence I would like to complete a real ton, i did a few audax 100K's last year so have the metric ton under my belt. I'd also like to complete a weekend tour such as the c2c. finally i have been thinking of completing the Exmouth Exodus on the 14th June (which would give me the real ton:smile:, i just wonder if i'm up to that yet!!)

At the start of the year i set myself a goal of cycling 1000 miles this year which compared to some is'nt a big mileage but it is an achievable target for me and for my birthday my Mother Inlaw bought me 2 books which are day tours around Devon ~ Somerset & Dorset and i would like to complete as many of these as possible most of the rides are around the 30 mile mark

And my most adventurous goal is to complete the Devon c2c from Ilfracombe to Plymouth over 2 days which is 102 miles



New Member
am doing the trans pennine way on the 8th of june for charity.there is going to be 4 of us doing it in 4 days.we are from grimsby so in fact it is coast to coast it is only 240miles(ish) so shouldnt be that bad.


rikgrimsby said:
am doing the trans pennine way on the 8th of june for charity.there is going to be 4 of us doing it in 4 days.we are from grimsby so in fact it is coast to coast it is only 240miles(ish) so shouldnt be that bad.

Do you think you do some piccies and a report for us less adventurous forummers to read :wacko: :biggrin:


New Member
By big aim is to cycle my first 100 miler this summer. I have only been back into cycling about a month or so but want a good target to aim for. I am planning to ride to visit my parents, stay overnight and then cycle back the next day. So actually it will be 200 miles in two days. :wacko:


Cycling in the sun
Jakes Dad said:
And my most adventurous goal is to complete the Devon c2c from Ilfracombe to Plymouth over 2 days which is 102 miles

I too am contemplating that one, not sure whether I would allow myself 3 days to do it in. The futhest I have ever cycled in a day is 37 miles. The Exeter Exodus sounds interesting but too much for me this year (both distance and hill wise).

So far most of my riding is either commuting, shopping by bike, and kids day out on cycle paths. I would like to build in some pleasure trips for me (not that sitting on a bike isn't a pleasure!). And do a bit more on the maintence front myself rather than relying on the bike shop for everything other than lubrication and changing brake blocks.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Get a job I can commute to by bike, anywhere up to 25 miles away. That way I might occasionally ride one of my bikes, rather than hiding them away behind the sofa in the lounge.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist

I'm only really doing my commute at the moment, although that's gone up from 8 miles in one go to each leg being 2.5 miles (then the train) then 12 ish miles. I'd like to get to the point where 5 days of that doesn't make my legs ache, and then start towards 20, 30 etc mile weekend rides. Eventually, I'd like to ride over to Shrewsbury and back one day...
my aim is to do another club "grand slam", 50 ,100,150 and 200 mile rides, on fixed gear and at the same time help my son get his first grand slam.
we've done the 50 and he's got a couple of 100's done ready for the club one next month, then in june it's the 200 followed by the hardest of the lot the 150 in early august.
i'm trying to establish a consective grand slam on fixed record. i'm too old to get the most gs's as it stands at 20 so this will have to suffice!


Über Member
My aim for the year is to complete and survive the Dave Lloyd Mega Challenge. It's looming ever closer!:becool:


Senior Member
My aim is to cycle around the Isle of Wight in a day either at the end of May or in early July. During the school summer holidays I plan to cycle at least 20 miles a day like I did most days in the Easter hols. If the opportunity arises I would like to do one of the C2C routes in four days.


Legendary Member
I plan on surviving my new commute, a twenty mile round trip which is a bit of a leap in distance for me.

I also want to do my first touring with a tent - I've got a ride to Nottingham lined up and would like to ride to Melmerby where my Mum grew up and stop over and perhaps ride back via Keswick, Carnforth and the Trough of Bowland.

I had thought of doing LEJOG but I think I'll have to save it for next year.

I'm riding the long route on the Ryedale Rumble and would like to get round that in July.
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