An Appeal

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Hong Kong
Has anyone got any frozen peas as I have had a 3 hour Thai Boxing session today and I'm a bit battered and bruised.

I've ran out of ice cubes.



Bird Saviour
yea, but i don't think they will be that frozen by the time they get to you.


Isn't Thai Boxing where you bitch slap each other for a while then put on dresses and sit around in bars conning old sweaty men out of drinks?

<I didn't say that, it wasnae me - honest! :blush:>

Mr Phoebus

New Member
cookiemonster said:
Has anyone got any frozen peas as I have had a 3 hour Thai Boxing session today and I'm a bit battered and bruised.

I've ran out of ice cubes.


Would that be Tesco value brand or M&S frozen peas? Or aren't you fussy?


Is this the same thai boxing where you rub bamboo up and down your shins until all the nerve endings are gone and you can't feel anything?

If that's the case, just rub the bamboo wherever you're currently in pain and....hey presto!

Mr Phoebus

New Member
trustysteed said:
or are you just telling us you do thai boxing in the hope we'll be impressed?
IIRC, Cookie has won a European title? :blush:
I'm sure he'll clarify what title(s) he's won in his sport.


Legendary Member
Mr Phoebus;45362][quote name= said:
or are you just telling us you do thai boxing in the hope we'll be impressed?
IIRC, Cookie has won a European title? :blush:
I'm sure he'll clarify what title(s) he's won in his sport.[/QUOTE]

Well i have to say i am impressed,its one of the,if not the hardest sport to do well in:becool:


Hong Kong
The Tea towel in the freezer done the trick, thanks, and, no, I'm not fussy over what type of Frozen peas :blush:

To answer Mr Phoebus, I won a European title last year, in France, but came 2nd in my defence of that this year in Hamburg.

The session last weekend didn't go quite according to plan but, hey, it happens. It was a coaching session to introduce some new techniques as my club has a competition in Bangkok in December.


Über Member
Run out in to the path of a speeding lorry or bus, after that your boxing bruises shouldn't feel too bad.
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