Annoying fish.

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betty swollocks

large member
My vote goes to the Goldfish.
They just swim this way and that way and then back again and repeat.
What with a memory of five seconds (or whatever it's supposed to be) their lives must be a continual voyage of discovery, but it's really rather boring - to the point of irritation, for us human beings to watch.
Can't they learn some new moves like loop-the-loop or victory roll .....or something?
Rant over!



Do you want me top tell you about annoying fish?!

Maybe not, there were enough puns the last time....:rolleyes:


Legendary Member
The whole point about goldfish is that Darwin's law works in reverse. Any goldfish that's a bit clever and whose memory lasts more than five seconds, begins to realise after a few weeks that the world outside his bowl looks familiar, so he gets bored and jumps out...... and dies. So only the stupid goldfish survive.


If Goldfish ever get a touch of Alzheimers disease, they'll get a bit of a shock after swimming round the same bowl for years when they suddenly recall they have done the same thing day in, day out and that "pot dog" etc next to the bowl has always been there and not something new every 5 seconds.
betty swollocks

betty swollocks

large member
Rigid Raider said:
The whole point about goldfish is that Darwin's law works in reverse. Any goldfish that's a bit clever and whose memory lasts more than five seconds, begins to realise after a few weeks that the world outside his bowl looks familiar, so he gets bored and jumps out...... and dies. So only the stupid goldfish survive.

Ah, but if they're THAT intelligent, surely they'd realise that such a bid for freedom would lead to their inevitable and hasty demise: yes?
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