another F@@@ S@@@ CRAP moment

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Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
I think that even if that had happened, it would have kept to the same line it was already pointing on. I don't think it would have pulled out TBH.
The initial filter, to me, wasn't the issue. Not one I would have gone for, but OKish IMO.

It was the moment that the indicator came on, that I would have been hitting the brakes to let the car move across. IMO it was obvious that the car was going to move across regardless. One could argue that the driver should have checked, but with a bus to their left I don't think most people would have expected a bike to be there.

But we can all be perfect cyclists with hindsight, so let's not give the OP too much of a hard time. I'm sure every one of us has made mistakes along these lines.
We must be on the same mind set.


Moortown, Leeds
As above we all make daft mistakes at times, I know I have and commuting is a constant lesson each day. I used to be in denial about incidents but took a step back and soon realised I was mainly a nob cyclist with a chip on his shoulder, now I am just a nob cyclist. :becool:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
We would hope it would keep the same line but that is a big gamble to take and I would add that the car's indicator is on from the start.

Sorry but I think that the OP needs a hard time on this one in the hope that he will review his careless risk taking. Many more moves like that and he won't be here to post any more videos.
I think that even if that had happened.....
But we can all be perfect cyclists with hindsight, so let's not give the OP too much of a hard time. I'm sure every one of us has made mistakes along these lines.

Absolutely. We all make mistakes. I referred in an earlier post on this thread to a similar and painful move I made in my youth.

The issue many have here is not with the riding error or the momentary lack of judgement, but with the arrogance (almost hubris) that led him to edit and post the clip, blaming an innocent party.

To then continue to defend his 'unusual' approach and justification in the face of a mass of contrary opinion both here and on BikeRadar seems eccentric at best.

The original edited clip from the OP may even still be on Youtube, pointing the finger at (and identifying the car of) an innocent party.

That sort of video-vigilante soppiness deserves a little scorn.


Evidence based cyclist
As above we all make daft mistakes at times, I know I have and commuting is a constant lesson each day. I used to be in denial about incidents but took a step back and soon realised I was mainly a nob cyclist with a chip on his shoulder, now I am just a nob cyclist. :becool:

You ate the chip, I hope?


Evidence based cyclist
We would hope it would keep the same line but that is a big gamble to take and I would add that the car's indicator is on from the start.

No it wasn't. It came on as the OP came alongside its rear quarter.

Sorry but I think that the OP needs a hard time on this one in the hope that he will review his careless risk taking. Many more moves like that and he won't be here to post any more videos.

Whereas I am of the opinion that positive and constructive criticism is going to have a far better effect on the OP than just blunt criticism, which often makes people even more entrenched and defensive.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
No it wasn't. It came on as the OP came alongside its rear quarter..

You can see the indicator flashing at 5 seconds in before the OP is anywhere near the car. The OP said he saw the indicator flashing but thought it was because the car was going to pull in in front of the bus.

Whereas I am of the opinion that positive and constructive criticism is going to have a far better effect on the OP than just blunt criticism, which often makes people even more entrenched and defensive.

Our opinions on this point obviously differ.


Nr Cambridge
What's to say. You managed to park your self, at a fair speed, in a blind spot of one if not two vehicles with out ANY escape route. You then proceeded to ignored the left indication of the car & the constantly changing road position of it (though without a full speed playback it's hard to tell how obvious it was at riding speed).

As I've said before - it's the overtaking vehicles responsibility to keep clear of the vehicle they are overtaking. You somehow nearly managed to violate this twice in one single manoeuvre.
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Evidence based cyclist
You can see the indicator flashing at 5 seconds in before the OP is anywhere near the car. The OP said he saw the indicator flashing but thought it was because the car was going to pull in in front of the bus.

Watch it again. The indicator doesn't come on until 11 seconds - when the OP is already alongside the rear quarter.
At that point he should have been hitting the brakes to let the car go in front.


North Wales
On the most part its true. Thats why i said likely hood. Clearly you can be out of the view of the mirror the way its curved but in this instance I wouldn't think he was in the blind spot. Going off the image I would say he was in the mirrors sight at around 0:15-16 when one would look.

Thats a very dangerous assumption to make though.

I drive a van without rear side windows and it amazes me how often I find bikes, cycles and even cars lurk in the blindspot assuming I can see them. My van has nice big mirrors on each wing, and a rear veiw to see out the back doors. With the mirrors adjusted as best as they will go there is a blind spot that is approximatly 6 inches longer than a Ford Mondeo alongside me. At all times when approaching me from the rear up untill you are level with my window you would be able to see my mirror glass, but for the 15 or so feet back from the trailing edge of my door I can only see you (with my head facing forwards) if you happen to be in the direct path of the mirror allingnment as they are angled for me. which will be minorly different for every driver on the road and each vehicle type.

Where the rider in the video was positioned was possibly and possibly not in the blindspot for the car (so I would be assuming that the driver couldn't see me). So the positioning was overlapping a car in a place where a blind spot 'might' exist. This must be bad positioning (sorry I'm not up to speed on the bike road craft type terminology) especially given his indicator was on.

It may be passive riding to fall in line behind the car, but it was a queue of traffic, of which the bike is part. And as we say to car drivers so often when they overtake, whats the point of going there? it would only have cost the rider 10 seconds to wait calmly. Rather than partaking in a fully fledged code brown situation. (Which would have cost me 20 minutes of sitting in a darkened room allowing the adrenaline to dissipate time)


Nr Cambridge
Watch it again. The indicator doesn't come on until 11 seconds - when the OP is already alongside the rear quarter.
At that point he should have been hitting the brakes to let the car go in front.
There is some flickering around the 5-7s marker in the rear cluster, it's unclear what is actually happening due to the video quality.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Watch it again. The indicator doesn't come on until 11 seconds - when the OP is already alongside the rear quarter.
At that point he should have been hitting the brakes to let the car go in front.

I have watched it and again it is still on at 5 seconds in.

In addition the OP stated that he saw the car indicating yet second guessed (incorrectly) its intentions:-
actually i figured the car was indicating that he/she was trying to get in front of the bus as the car before it, which is why i didn't try to over take the car. but then i realised it was cutting across and going into a side road and going to run me over. the video slowed down a 3 second footage.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
The OP has been very quiet, and the only ones blaming the driver are the two kids on here. :blush:

Saw another kid ride up the inside of a left turning lorry this lunch. Lorry was indicating, I pulled up 2-3 cars behind, bloody student (on a quality cannondale) goes up inside, between lorry and railings. Fortunately the driver slammed on at the last minute. The student on a bike carried on.

I thought about having a word, but no point arguing with an idiot. Riding like that he won't last long.

Driver's don't always look in their mirrors, and aren't really looking for an idiot to come up inside them when indicating FACT. The words 'but the driver should have looked' when you are six feet under don't mean alot !

Stay safe and don't ride like a nobber.
Not blaming the driver- played their part-. There is no doubt in my mind this was 100% avoidable and using hindsight this would come from the cyclists decision to hang back. The Op clearly made the mistake of continuing after the indicator came on. However my point comes from (not using hindsight) that a cyclist only seconds before chose to filter. It looks like London so a lot of cyclists about,my thought process would be hmm a cyclist just filtered there I bet another would do it. So check Mirror then blind spot However I doubt any driver would look back over their shoulder(too much effort for most if not all) and the cyclist should have anticipated this being in the mirrors blind spot. Of course one could assume that if one were to filter and saw the indicator come on they would hang back. This clearly didn't happen. The indicator looks like to me it comes on at 0:11 not 0:05 as above. Although the footage is grainy and not all that clear. Its a good 5+ seconds before the wing mirror blinks again so I doubt it was on at 0:05.
On the whole- The cyclist should not have been there!! Bad place to be and the fact they didn't change there position after it became clear conflict was going to arise allowed such conflict to premature.
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