Any Runners On Here??

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There was actually on guy riding a 'Fatty' (??) around before the start, in the field, I have no idea if he actually rode it in the race???

I look tired in the pics!!! (race number '1')

Edit @ 11:04

Found this video clip linked on the Bingley Harriers FaceBook page, I wasn't quite as far back as I thought:rolleyes:
And, the lad did take the 'Fatty' round

Shot, at the top of the climb up onto Shipley Glen, after the clamber up from Crag Hebble Dam

We came up the hill to this 'BirdCage' gate,

Then turned right (left in pic) to the Dam
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Active Member
Im 62 and started running last year. Had to stop for a period and started again in July this year. Run between 4/5 miles three times a week. Have to admit it never seems to get any easier. I do enjoy it although i have groin and knee issues. I would like to run further ,but dont know whether the old bod can take it lol.


And... it was actually snowing this morning. So, at least four months of this to look forward to now. Mind, running 20km in the snow tends to toughen you up for the season ahead. And with my first marathon(s) scheduled for next year, I'm going to need all the miles I can get this winter.


Ok, Runners on here, can you help is some background info,
The missus has just done a parkrun in Rochdale, enjoyed it and now has 3 weeks away before the next one and wants a training program to knockoff a decent chunk.
Can you direct me to somewhere or something to give her.......currently her time was 28 was a fairly muddy undulating 5K so her level isnt too bad.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
28 mins for a first time out isn't bad, especially on a muddy undulating course, and she'll probably improve on that next time without doing anything special.

However, if she wants to do specific training to improve her speed, the obvious thing that springs to mind is intervals - running for a fixed distance at target race pace, alternating with low intensity/rest periods. For example, if her target is 25 minutes, she could try running 10x 500m in 2m 30s each time, with a minute's rest/light jogging in between each.


Here for rides.
5k is a fascinating distance to pit yourself against.

A combination of speed and endurance is needed to do well. Our club coach reckons you need to squeeze both ends; you need to be able to endure running 20km in training on your long runs, and you need also to do speed work and hills. Her advice is working, so far, for me in being able to produce a PB in a parkrun almost at will, and without really noticing, without getting injured. Though now it has turned into a mudfest my local parkrun may not be such a good source of PB's. Saturday was hilarious; loads of people in road shoes trying to execute sharp changes of direction when in the mud... and down they go. I had to help one of my girlfriends up after she had passed me!

The question is how far to push it over what time scale. 80% of age grade time makes you a very very good runner I'm told but probably needs a few years of work to achieve. My current goal for 2015 is 66% of age grade. Currently a fraction under 60% on a parkrun.
Hi all , this is my first year of doing any kind of serious running and have to taken part in 3 10k's , a Duathlon and most recently the Glasgow half marathon.
I work abroad 6 months of the year so have to train in the gym rather than outdoors and because of this I'm stuck on the treadmill far more than I would like to be I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can make the treadmill runs seem a bit more interesting because at the moment I really struggle to run any more than 10k before the boredom kicks in and I stop.

Ian A

Über Member
First XC of the season last Sunday. It was in one of the few slightly lumpy parts of Leicester but nothing major hill wise and a bit of mud too.. Got my pacing all wrong and went far too easy for the first half. Ran hard for me in the second half and came in a comical 52.02 and 318/379. Looking forward to doing a bit of speed work and doing just as badly in the next one in three weeks time. On the plus side I won a three way sprint at the end but it was for 318th place :laugh:.
35 km (21.75 miles) in 3;36;49 down the Strawberry Line - from start to finish - Yatton to Cheddar, and what a beautiful day for mid-November.

And aye, twas' a tough 'un today.


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My hopes of competing in my first Parkrun before end of month ( or end of year ) have taken a set back :sad:

Sprained my medial ligament on right knee - couple of weeks rest for me ( & only low intensity cycling allowed ! )
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