Any Runners On Here??

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Blue collar cyclist
Just took part in the Hadleigh 5 Mile event. Cold wind, constant cold rain, flooded mud-strewn roads, LOTS of up (well, for Suffolk!). Visceral stuff :thumbsup:
Official times not out yet, but my Garmin says 38:43
Not running at the moment
I must have really battered my left Heel at the 'Harriers v Cyclists' last Saturday, & by Tuesday evening, even walking on it was painful

I even had x-rays at work yesterday, just to make sure there was no Calcaneal fracture


I did a 15km in 4:08 average today, but am a bit porky at the moment. I had more fun watching my daughters run.



Here for rides.
Spent the weekend with TLH in Brighton "baby" sitting my niece and nephew. Usual parkrun on Saturday morning and then fuelled by too much stout on saturday evening an idea for my weekly long run began to form. Brighton seafront is flat. I thought...

Run down to the pier on the seafront, turn left, run to the marina, turnaround, run back to the pier, carry on, run to the end of Hove Lagoon, turnaround, back to the pier, run back north to b-i-l's house. I awoke to, and left the house in, a light rain which, over the next two-and-a-bit hours got heavier. To the extent that pavements on Brighton's London Road were flooded on the return leg. Turning at the marina I realised the wind had been at my back, but by the time I turned again at the Lagoon it had backed around and was blowing offshore and gusting such that running in straight line required much concentration. 15km in I had to go to a petrol station shop on the sea front for a bottle of water and some nom, not having brought anything with me, and restarting on again took a fair bit of willpower - though I had little choice in how else to get 'home' .

Still a shade over 21km in character building (read drowned rat) conditions in 2h17 elapsed - but like a nobber, when slightly pished the evening before, I'd set my forerunner to 20km not 21km, and I failed to take into account how long it might take my forerunner to get a satellite lock on starting off so a chunk was missing from the beginning and about 1km at the end was recoded as a separate run, so Strava, my record-of-note, has recorded a an epic failure to complete half-mara distance! I've not run a half-mara, or more, in more than 25 years.

Next target is getting round a 9 mile XC race on 7 December.


Here for rides.
My hopes of competing in my first Parkrun before end of month ( or end of year ) have taken a set back :sad:

Sprained my medial ligament on right knee - couple of weeks rest for me ( & only low intensity cycling allowed ! )
Boo! GWS (sounds suspiciously like an overuse/overtraining injury - take it steady your legs aren't used to running yet)


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
For New Year's Day 2014, which was not a Saturday, Whitstable and Margate put on special parkruns, with Whitstable starting at 9am and Margate at 10.30am to enable people to do both. Not only did I do both, I cycled the 29km from Whitstable to Margate between runs - got to Margate just as their run was starting.

They're repeating this for New Year's Day 2015, so naturally I'm planning to repeat my New Year's Day Duathlon exploits. However...

This time last year I was regularly running 5k inside 21 minutes, so I was able to do Whitstable parkrun in a relatively easy 23 minutes to conserve some energy and still have time to get to Margate, but lately I've been struggling to go under 23 minutes for parkrun, and this weekend I ran a positively sluggish 24.37. The duathlon looks like it may be rather more of a challenge this time.


Here for rides.
For New Year's Day 2014, which was not a Saturday, Whitstable and Margate put on special parkruns, with Whitstable starting at 9am and Margate at 10.30am to enable people to do both. Not only did I do both, I cycled the 29km from Whitstable to Margate between runs - got to Margate just as their run was starting.

They're repeating this for New Year's Day 2015, so naturally I'm planning to repeat my New Year's Day Duathlon exploits. However...

This time last year I was regularly running 5k inside 21 minutes, so I was able to do Whitstable parkrun in a relatively easy 23 minutes to conserve some energy and still have time to get to Margate, but lately I've been struggling to go under 23 minutes for parkrun, and this weekend I ran a positively sluggish 24.37. The duathlon looks like it may be rather more of a challenge this time.
Oi. Watch who you are callin' positively sluggish @24:37 my PB is slower than that! ;)


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Oi. Watch who you are callin' positively sluggish @24:37 my PB is slower than that! ;)

Oops, sorry!

It's all relative, though, isn't it? It's not that long ago that I would have been extremely happy to go under 25 minutes but such has been my progress over the past three years that it now seems a tad on the slow side.

Besides, 21km in 2hrs 17mins is certainly quicker than I could do that distance at the moment. In fact, I'm not even sure I could do that distance at all right now.


Legendary Member
Do any of you use any running forums that you could recommend please, or do you reckon posting questions on this thread should get a novice as much info as he needs?
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