Anyone converted from 2x11 to a 1x12?

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All uphill

Still rolling along
So today I took it, by prior arrangement to the LBS.
The side to side play on the crank/BB was confirmed.
Attempts to tighten it proved unsuccessful, so they replaced existing the FSA BB for a new Shimano 105 replacement (the original wasn’t Shimano). That seems to have sorted the play on the BB, although we don’t know how it got that way as they were adamant it wasn’t like that when they checked it before I collected it the last time.
They have re-set the gears and front mech, as the trim wasn’t really working but is now after they adjusted the cable tension. To be fair they replaced the cables for Shimano cables the last time as the ones on the bike were potentially sticking, especially the rear DR cable where it bent quiet acutely as it fed to the rear DR. So they would have needed tightening after bedding in anyway.
They suggested swapping the existing FSA chain for a Shimano chain might quieten things further although not significantly and not worth the expense when the existing chain was fine, even if it wasn’t specifically made for the Shimano mechs. I’ll probably upgrade when this one’s in need of replacement.
I’ll try and take it for a ride tomorrow so will let anyone who is interested know how it goes.
I’d still like a conversion to 1x but if this truly resolves things the urgency will be removed.
Watch this space.

What a performance!

Good on you for sticking with it.


Senior Member
What a performance!

Good on you for sticking with it.

Thanks, yes it’s been quite a ‘journey’.
Of course it may not be over yet, although I sincerely hope it is. I haven’t been able to ride it today as I had hoped but I’m going to try tomorrow lunchtime if my workload permits.
I’m nothing if not tenacious but I confess to being fed up with it now.


Senior Member
Well I did a 13 mile ride today on a very undulating course, plenty of opportunity to try out most of not all the gear combos.
What a difference!
Nice, smooth changes and far less chain rattle/noise.
Ok there's still some subtle ever present chain noise from the front mech, regardless of gear combo, but I suppose that’s always going to be the case on all but the most expensive set ups isn’t it?
I don’t actually think it’s cross chain as such. The chain has a slight catch as it enters and leaves the teeth, or something like that. Probably because the chain is never or hardly ever completely straight on the chain ring, there’s always a slight angle as it hits the teeth of the front ring.
A better chain could help.
As far as cross chain goes though, there was practically none, not even in the small front and smallest rear combination.
What little there was was sorted with the now functional trim function, although I confess that I am still a little vague on how best to use it, as I keep accidentally changing front gears when all I want to do is trim.
Practice makes perfect though I suppose.
Does the front mech trim work both ways or only one?
One way the trim seems to be a positive click adjustment and the other way it’s more ambiguous and I’m not always certain if it’s actually worked?

All in all, a positive result. I Have no real urgency now to swap to a 1x, although it’s still something I’d like to do at some point.
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