Anyone speak Urainian?

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Pull your head out of your ass its not a hat.
looks as if you have good experience of doing it.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
[QUOTE 2848213, member: 1314"]Line from my fave love song EVER, Rainy Night in Soho:

'You're the measure of my dreams.'[/quote]
About 3.5 inches innit Crockers?
I want to ask the lady cyclists, do you get adverts for 24 year old Boris's, 178 cm and 75 kg?
nope - still get the 25 yrs old, 47kg Ukrainian women... though from her name could go either way... but personally I prefer the ads for the women ;) they are much cuter than the ones for men... :laugh:
What? Like, Airfix ladies you mean?

Wasn't there a quote from a Lothario in the 70's along the lines...

When I was younger my hobby was model-making, now I am older it is making models
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