Are they having a laugh ?

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Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
No certainly not, but I was a while back talking about what I called cycling etiquette. What I believe is right and wrong seems different to what you do.

Just give up Screenman. Everyone is pretty entrenched in their position and no amount of valid reasoning from either side is going to change their standpoint, even if that standpoint does seen contrary to general decent behaviour.


Legendary Member
Just give up Screenman. Everyone is pretty entrenched in their position and no amount of valid reasoning from either side is going to change their standpoint, even if that standpoint does seen contrary to general decent behaviour.
I will take your advice. Going out for a ride now^_^


To my mind, ......

It is most definitely not .....

Now, of course, if you roll-up .... without paying an entry fee, then that's perhaps taking somewhat of a small liberty - and, of course, using any of the paid-for facilites or food stops would be incredibly bad manners - but neither the organisers nor participants can really do much of anything about this when using the public highways; you've really just got to hope people won't be so rude as to use the paid-for facilities, and if they do ride the course, do so "in support" of the ride participants and not interfere with or hinder them. :thumbsup:
... and please do not wear your CycleChat jersey or other kit ! :thumbsdown: :headshake:
The last sportive in Rutland trashed our little county, nearly 900 riders doing three different routes so not very easy to avoid either and many of the roads are single track. After last years sportive with large numbers of riders running red lights in Oakham we can now expect less respect on the roads from non cyclists. No one went around after and picked up the gel wrappers and discarded, broken sunglasses or even some of the directional signs. As for cycling etiquette, what a joke, I'll bet the majority wouldn't know the meaning. Like minded people, really? Some were there to "race", some just to get round, others because their mates were doing it, and no doubt some for the scenery etc etc.
The majority of those riding were aged late 30's to early 50's and less than 10% were women, in fact on the longer ride only 6% were female which is less than one would expect [too much testosterone?]. I spoke to one club rider I knew after the event who simply said, "never again".
If you have a peculiar desire to pay 50p or more per mile to ride your bike I don't have a problem with that, up to you, what I do object to is the poor / aggressive riding that goes along with it, that and the huge numbers. The profits are huge, £25 - 30,000 in entry fees.


If one were to ride the route, not pay the organisers but donate the proceeds to charity how does that sit?
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