Assaulted on bike

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Nonsense. The Michael Mason case, for example, never got anywhere near the CPS. And he died as a result of his injuries

Whatever cute names you in the Police Farce have for the CPS, they're not the whole of the problem
Just read about that poor chap, seems like an utterly bizarre decision.
Without going off topic you are quite right, the CPS isn't the only problem, charging standard, threshold levels and a host of other things are also at fault. However, I've yet to meet a copper that doesn't want to see an offender prosecuted.


I will do on Monday Alicat, but on the other hand, I don't see how they can 'do the right thing' in terms of mitigating or dealing with unprovoked assault, plus hit and run, and dangerous driving.

Just figured out, the van was probably within around half a meter of me, and deliberately driven to get so close, and slowed to drive alongside in order to get three blows in. What can they do that would constitute 'the right thing'?

I am very sorry for what happened to you and hope that didn't get lost in translation.

I have a horrible feeling the police will decide it was a harmless prank unless you have a very good description of the passenger. On the one hand, if the company is well-organised with policies and a HR dept, the passenger may well be out of a job for gross misconduct. And that will hurt. On the other hand, if the company is a small one-man band type of company where the owner may have been the driver I think I would cut them out and avoid giving passenger and driver time to concoct a story.


Insert witty title here
At least they didn't hit your son as well. They must have some sense of decency though that's no excuse for their moronic actions! They've probably seen the roadside idiots in the TdF slapping and touching the riders and thought this kind of behaviour is acceptable.
I'm certainly glad they didn't touch my son, but in my book that certainly doesn't equate to a sense of decency, failing to assault a minor, and 'only' assaulting his father in front of him.
I've met lots of them. The Met, for example, is rife with them.

And the decision to NFA is not a CPS decision - it's a police decision. The CPS decide whether to prosecute, not whether to investigate.
NFA means no further action, this generally occurs after an investigation. Before this descends into Police bashing I'm going to bow out, @bozmandb9 if you want any advice or help feel free to pm and I'll help in anyway I can.


Insert witty title here
The Police officer just left. She was here from 8 am to after 11 am. She was extremely helpful. She took full statements from myself and my son, and took other evidence. She stated that Thames Valley Police take assaults on the person extremely seriously, so it will probably be progressed over the next few days.

Of course whether or not this can lead to a successful prosecution may be another matter, but I was very strongly left with the impression that the Police would do all they possibly can. I don't see that they could have been much more helpful to be honest, and I was happy and impressed with their response and attitude. I'm not always massively impressed with the Police, especially where property crime in concerned, but in this case, I'd very highly commend them.


Legendary Member
The Police officer just left. She was here from 8 am to after 11 am. She was extremely helpful. She took full statements from myself and my son, and took other evidence. She stated that Thames Valley Police take assaults on the person extremely seriously, so it will probably be progressed over the next few days.

Of course whether or not this can lead to a successful prosecution may be another matter, but I was very strongly left with the impression that the Police would do all they possibly can. I don't see that they could have been much more helpful to be honest, and I was happy and impressed with their response and attitude. I'm not always massively impressed with the Police, especially where property crime in concerned, but in this case, I'd very highly commend them.
Good. And so far so good. As so often in such cases, I think very often it comes down to pure chance - the actual individual given initial responsibility for responding to 'the incident'. If you get a good 'un, you might actually see proper action taken. Get one who's just going thru' the motions (and/or whose sympathies in truth lie with the perpetrator who was just having a bit of fun rather than with the (typically humourless) farking cyclist) and you'll see it disappear into the long grass. Sounds like you've got a good 'un. So, like I say, so far so good. Let's hope it gets followed up properly - by the system, and by the company.


Bird Saviour
Having had this done to me 3 times and reported twice with no action taken by the police, even though they spoke to the drivers bcoz I gave the registration, I would say this. Both times the cops didn't do anything although they promised to, because the driver refused to say who the passenger was. Insist they pursue the driver for aiding a criminal offence, remind them of rule 163 and the fact it was a deliberate attempt to pass you close which is beyond careless and, because its intentional it's actually dangerous dangerous driving. And report it to the company.

Deleted member 1258

Having had this done to me 3 times and reported twice with no action taken by the police, even though they spoke to the drivers bcoz I gave the registration, I would say this. Both times the cops didn't do anything although they promised to, because the driver refused to say who the passenger was. Insist they pursue the driver for aiding a criminal offence, remind them of rule 163 and the fact it was a deliberate attempt to pass you close which is beyond careless and, because its intentional it's actually dangerous dangerous driving. And report it to the company.

When it happened to me a few years ago the car didn't have a registered keeper and it took about six months to trace the driver, the driver wouldn't name the passenger and nothing came of it. As Smokin Joe said the hope is that the effect of having the police talking to them might discourage a repeat of the offence, the two lads involved in my incident only in their mid teens.


Legendary Member
I'm glad you're pursuing it.

A couple of months ago a white van pulled along side and the passenger put his left arm around my shoulders for a couple of secs at 22mph whilst shouting 'encouragement'. I looked behind as there was another vehicle 20m away and I was going to stop to ask them to be a witness. Typically, it was a white van from the same company and both occupants were laughing like crazed monkeys.

I did a bit of research and decided not to contract the police.
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