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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Here's the original story, where Walter Planckaert explains the reasons for the ban:

"Nous sommes une équipe cycliste, avec des coureurs. Pas des pilotes de motocross ou des joueurs de rugby. Les snot (la morve) et les restes de nourriture dans la barbe d'un coureur en pleine course, c'est sale", précise le directeur sportif de Sport Vlaanderen-Baloise.

trans: "We are a cycling team, with riders. Not motocross riders or rugby players. The snot and leftover food in the beard of a rider in the middle of the race is dirty," said the sporting director of Sport Vlaanderen-Baloise.

Deleted member 35268

I wonder what he drag co-efficient of a good old bearded cyclist is vs a non-beardy variety.
Obviously dependent on the size of the foliage.

Oh crap - I've strayed into the Pro Section, sorry, I don't have any right to be in this area - SORRY!
looks like Will Young


He doesn't actually look like Will Young in this pic but he does look like Will Young if I hadn't put a pic of Will Young up...
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I wonder what he drag co-efficient of a good old bearded cyclist is vs a non-beardy variety.
Obviously dependent on the size of the foliage.

Oh crap - I've strayed into the Pro Section, sorry, I don't have any right to be in this area - SORRY!
GCN or somebody done a test on youtube a few years back and it was a massive 1w over 40km :laugh: It makes a real difference when you are going for the hour record :laugh::laugh:

Edit it was Specialized



Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Beardy riders should go the whole fashion hipster hog, get a full sleeve and a calf tattoo, wear NHS thick black framed specs, and a check patterened lycra shirt, and faux denim lycra shorts. Maybe even winkle pickers with cleats on the bottom. So achingly hip. And so last year (and the year before).


Of course if you want to be picky, a beard could have a detrimental effect if you come off and end up using your chin / face as a brake. :wacko: The medics would have a bit of a task picking bits of stiff facial hair out of the deep gashes as well as all that road grit.
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