Best rack for an estate car?

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Well-Known Member
We've recently changed the car to an estate and I now can choose the best possible bike storage - I guess the options are hanging off the boot, on the roof or fitting a tow bar and using that. Any comments? What's best?


CS8 lead out specialist
Personally I've got Thule bars and a couple of cycle carriers fitted to the roof and it works really well for me. Means the whole thing stays on the car full time and is never in the way. Doesn't seem to hurt economy either (when no bikes attached!).

From what I've heard / read, towbar solutions also work really well, better economy with bikes on the car and you don't have to lift them so high to mount. However, for me too expensive to get a towball fitted just for the rack when I wouldn't use it for anything else. Also got to store the rack somewhere when not in use and I've no garage.

Boot fittings... ditto about storing it somewhere. I'd also worry about damage to glass / car from rack and bikes. Plus you need a high mounting version, else you'll need a light bar and number plate etc to stay strictly legal....

Just my 2p worth....
I carry my bikes on the roof but if I had the option ( I can't fit a tow bar without butchering the bodywork ) I would buy a towbar attachment.

The roof bar method adds drag and increases fuel consumption. I'd use the 'hanging off the boot' as the last option, they never look secure to me but each to their own.

Thule are the daddies when it comes to this sort of kit ....


I have a 407SW, it depends when and how you're going to use the car to transport them.
Ie we do alot of camping(travel to France) and wont tow anything(wife cant) so we use a dangle off the boot rear hanger.....we should get a towbar mountable one but I wont pay for it just yet.

When we camp we use a roofbox so there is no space up there.

The rear rack we use is a halfords jobbie, it has transported three steel MTB's from Manchester to the Vendee
safely however the straps have marked our tailgate(my own fault really!).


I have thule roofbars and also a thule towbar mounted one...both will do the job, but the towbar mounted one is better. It is so convenient. Easy to put the rack on the towbar (takes less than a minute - if i remove the roofbars then it is a half hour job getting them back on properly), easy to put the bikes on and it is very stable.


Tow bar mounting is, imo, the best option. Quick and easy, little risk of damaging the car or the bikes, no strength required to mount the bikes, out of the wind, stable and lockable. The Thule one I have has a tilt action so I can still open the rear to get the dog in and out with the bikes loaded.

Also, the tow bar ones usually have electricals, so you don't need to worry about blocking the plate and lights with your bikes.


Tow bar mounting is, imo, the best option. Quick and easy, little risk of damaging the car or the bikes, no strength required to mount the bikes, out of the wind, stable and lockable. The Thule one I have has a tilt action so I can still open the rear to get the dog in and out with the bikes loaded.

Also, the tow bar ones usually have electricals, so you don't need to worry about blocking the plate and lights with your bikes.

+1 for the tow bar option. I have the Atera Strada DL3 with 4th bike adapter. I have a Golf Estate and had the tow bar fitted purely for getting a bike carrier. Just seems the best solution although more expensive initially. I did consider the roof option but having watched the neighbour struggling trying to lift his bikes onto car roof i decided tow bar was the way to go. Really easy to get the bikes on/off and still have access to the rear.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
+1 for the Atera Strada DL. I have one with the 4th adapter and just used it for the first time apart from a 20 mile test trip. Cornwall and back. There is a video here,~4RYoJEYzTmI but the version I have has much better click ratchet straps for the wheels

The sliding back mechanism is amazing. I have a Galaxy and it allows very easy access to the boot and no real effort to push back into place.

You've bought an estate and you want to hang the bikes off the outside?
I guess an estate with bikes inside will be fine if you only have front passengers, but most estates would struggle with 4 people on board, 4 bikes in the boot, and luggage.


Legendary Member
I've had a Pendle 4 bike rack for about 17 years, great solid easy rack, takes seconds to fit the arms to the towbar mounting block which is permanently fitted to the towbar. Currently using it on a Golf Mk3 estate.
Recently found a handy secondary use for the arms, as an extension lever to my wheelbrace to get tight wheel nuts undone when burst a tyre hitting a pothole!


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Stick 'em on the roof like a pro.



Evidence based cyclist
I've got Thule roof carriers, which are great - as long as you are strong enough to lift the bike above your head.

If I had the choice I'd go for a towbar mounted one. That does have a disadvantage about the length of the car though - especially when parking.


Growing older but not up...
I thought long and hard before choosing a Thule roof carrier. I'm really happy with the result - convenient, doesn't affect access to the boot, no visible effect on economy at all - but if my car had been equipped with a towbar I would have chosen a towbar mounted carrier instead.
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