Best wind up when someone tries to be a hero whilst you’re riding.

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Touch it up and ride it
Must admit when i was out on Saturday i caught glimpse of a bright coloured jacket ahead so kept the momentum going and eventually could see it was somebody on a bike for sure and when i realised i was gaining ground quickly i eased off just enough to keep catching , the closer i got i could see it an mtb throwing up loads of spray from its knobbly tyres by the time i went past with a cheery happy boxing day hello my face was soaked :laugh:


Deplorable Brexiteer
It's not that often I overtake anyone unless I'm out on one of my two drop bar machines and the other rider in front is a utility cyclist on a MTB, or a woman riding something with flat bars and a basket on the front. Baskets seem to slow bikes right down, or is it just that riders with baskets don't care about going fast?


I just stick to my own thing when solo cycling, if some one passes me good luck to them and if they then slow down so what maybe they are interval training? Does not mater to me great to see any cyclist cycling rather than another BMW driver.

As for winding up another cyclist that i dont know, well not recommended, having said that best wind up done to me was by a few of the Peninsula triathlon club.

What happened a few summers ago i was waiting for the ferry from Strangford to Portaferry (after having cycled over 60 miles) when a few cyclists pulled up and i knew one any way they told me they where going to slowly to bangor at about 14mph, i said great i will join in, bad mistake that was the fastest 14mph i have ever cycled at more like 24mph if i had not been wearing a club top think i would have let them drop me, any time i see them its still a bit of fun, nice club and tbh if i could run i would join.


I have someone I bump into on a regular basis a little like this, I had an issue with him earlier in the year where I was walking on a track while my children rode, I saw this guy and I held up my hand for him to slow, while ushering my children to the side, he sped up and tried to thread his bike between myself and my daughter, he rather dramatically went into the verge, balanced for a few sec then fell over, he had flats on so wasn’t clipped in, he then threw his bike and missed my daughter by a hair now this put me into kill mode pretty much, wife took kids further down the track while I kicked off, the guys riding buddy came along and blamed my kids, the farmer witnessed and now adults are barred from using his track.

They asked me to pay for a broken shifter, I told them it was broken when he threw the bike so his issue not mine, but I have one for sale! haha

Anyway whenever this guy sees me out he and his buddy blast past me, then die 5s later while I keep to my nice avg speed and pass them, while they threw every insult under the sun at me, all I retort is keep up if you can, while I drop them.

I will say these guys are the embodiment of what gives cyclists bad press, they jump red lights and overtake into oncoming traffic, I have seen them buzz horse riders as well.

I do like seeing them out now, as I get good avg speed haha it’s nice encouragement for me seeing them catching and passing now, especially as they insult my bikes so passing them is a little sweeter as that Canyon and Cannondale really aren’t helping them.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
I just stick to my own thing when solo cycling, if some one passes me good luck to them and if they then slow down so what maybe they are interval training? Does not mater to me great to see any cyclist cycling rather than another BMW driver.

As for winding up another cyclist that i dont know, well not recommended, having said that best wind up done to me was by a few of the Peninsula triathlon club.

What happened a few summers ago i was waiting for the ferry from Strangford to Portaferry (after having cycled over 60 miles) when a few cyclists pulled up and i knew one any way they told me they where going to slowly to bangor at about 14mph, i said great i will join in, bad mistake that was the fastest 14mph i have ever cycled at more like 24mph if i had not been wearing a club top think i would have let them drop me, any time i see them its still a bit of fun, nice club and tbh if i could run i would join.
Nice part of the world that, unless you're Stephen Nolan.. He really hates people on his peninsula


Some bloke that likes cycling alone
I appreciate this being an old thread but whats the big deal about getting overtaken? We all cycle at different speeds. Either ignore them or accept the challenge. Sometimes its fun to have a bit of a race. I find it a good way to ensure I am pushing myself.

Not sure why there is any need to 'wind them up'. Sounds a bit childish.
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Ajax Bay

This is the OP:
This time of year [Christmas 2018] does seem to bring out the Superman brigade. I’ve had a couple of rides in the past couple of days, where I’ve been chopped by someone who’s consequently ‘blown up’ a couple of yards later. The two things I’ve found that winds them up is to re pass them whilst slow clapping sat bolt upright with both hands off the bars, and saying “If I thought it was a race I’d have made an effort”. It’s fun winding choppers up.
I appreciate this being an old thread but whats the big deal about getting overtaken? We all cycle at different speeds. Either ignore them or accept the challenge. Sometimes its fun to have a bit of a race. I find it a good way to ensure I am pushing myself.
Not sure why there is any need to 'wind them up'. Sounds a bit childish.
The OP was addressing the thorny (to him) issue of cyclists passing him ('chopped' in his vernacular) and then slowing down right in front on him/you after the 'heroic' exertion of the effort. This is not just "getting overtaken" which as you say is no "big deal". This 'chopping' has never happened to me - if someone passes me I'll either crack on or, if I've been slacking, put a bit of effort in and jump on their wheel, asking if it's OK asap (bit like you I suspect @RoadRider400 ).
But then the OP is/was a cyclist (and a British Cycling ride leader) with a wide rage of experiences which he was kind enough to share (sometimes with bonus video) as a starting point for a discussion.
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Obviously an Aubergine
Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

I've just been round one of my regular circuits - and cleared* quite a few spoke-twanging gale-blown sticks off of the lanes -

but espied no other cyclists to race - or not to race :bicycle:

* could i at least get some kind of 'i did a helpful thing' sticker for that ?? :wub:🦄🌈
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