BHIT was an organisation more beloved of the anti-helmeteers and anti-compulsionists than of the pro-lobby. It appeared a bit daft featuring someone clearly out of her depth with a website designed by a six year old.
For some reason I stumbled back to the site - and was somewhat shocked. Was this the same organisation? The website has a nice new logo and is quite unflashily nice. The message also seems to have changed. It is specifically targeted at children and, as far as I can see does not call or even mention compulsion in its core aims. It is restrained in its claims - quoting the Cochrane review and a neat anecdotal video.
OK both are not going to be accepted by the opposing lobby. But it is a lot less extreme, a lot less than many contributors here. So the anti lobby appear to have lost a bogeyman, something used to ridicule the helmeteers. Is its more focussed, more reasonable message a greater danger?
For some reason I stumbled back to the site - and was somewhat shocked. Was this the same organisation? The website has a nice new logo and is quite unflashily nice. The message also seems to have changed. It is specifically targeted at children and, as far as I can see does not call or even mention compulsion in its core aims. It is restrained in its claims - quoting the Cochrane review and a neat anecdotal video.
OK both are not going to be accepted by the opposing lobby. But it is a lot less extreme, a lot less than many contributors here. So the anti lobby appear to have lost a bogeyman, something used to ridicule the helmeteers. Is its more focussed, more reasonable message a greater danger?