Big rides, but not for me :(

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My Dorney ride with son, worth a 10000 miles


Your Son has doubled your mileage on that section.

My Son can't ride a bike, for various reasons, but would love that time on the bike together. Awesome!


Senior Member
I like to do family stuff on Sundays (I work most Saturdays so don't get the chance then), so what I tend to do is get up at 6am, get out the door before 7 and do 40-50 miles. I can be home and showered in plenty of time to go out with the family too. Through the week I'll get out for a 20 mile training ride in the evening a couple of times, just done as fast as I can.

I do go on the odd longer ride, I've got Velothon Wales next weekend and will be away from Sat-Mon, but it's my long weekend off work the following weekend so I'll do something with the family to make up for it.

I've done a lot less miles this year so far than last year though, the weather is killing it for me. It's not fun riding home into a 30mph headwind (going out the other way means heading towards the city centre). Shame as I did some really good turbo training plans through the winter/spring and was a stronger rider for it.


Waiting for the turbo to kick in...
Is it in your back garden:giggle: there is one I've seen that no one has done which loops around and takes a weird route that nobody other than the creator is ever going to bother trying for, and it also exploits a height anomaly so looks like a massive climb when it's virtually flat!

I've got a KOM on a segment I made in the remotes of Scotland, so when I go on holiday I can try and crack it each year :laugh:

Plus, cos its hidden away miles from anywhere its my own little section of strava I can feel proud of :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

To the OP tho, I'll echo the others above, try not to get too hung up on Strava competitions with others. Last four weeks I've got sucked into it a bit and it has taken a bit of the enjoyment from my rides as I'm constantly thinking Ive got to go further, faster, climb higher than the others.

Just gonna try and concentrate on being better than myself last year, think that's the only competition I really care about.


Quads of Steel
Would need to suppress the need to hum the 'F1' intro tune when cycling beside my kid before down shifting and blasting off into the distance! :angel:


Sometimes goals can work against you. Ride how you feel on the day, what you feel you need to. If thats long distance...good. If its short distance...good.
I'm struggling to get fitness back and using goals to push me, but when i was fit, 50 miles was normal, anything less was warm up, i think 82 miles was my best and it was always done hard.
BUT...i did get to the point i started to bawlk at the idea of big mileage, i started mythering pre ride, thinking about the several hours out there, which i loved...but it was just the amount of time i'd spend doing it.

My goals were always faster and longer, it drove me on un til i could do 50 miles at 18mph average, not immensly fast, but i hardly ever ever got overtaken. Then i started getting tired of pushing so hard., so i backed off again.

Ride how your head tells you to. Whatever


Senior Member
South Yorkshire
I'm the same family time is needed more than ever due to sons development problems so if I'm lucky (I'm not) I try to get out on my days off when it's a school day or early Sunday mornings so I'm back for 10-11am (50 miles) but that hasn't happened either, I'm trying to get the missus to let me take the road bike on holiday next week, we're off to the Isle of Wight and thought I'd spend Sunday morning riding round the island so far it's a resounding no


On the Pedals
Ah the downside of Strava = social envy.. I have been guilty of this. I work long hours and with 2 kids it can be difficult when you see others doing mega rides but i just ended up accepting it. A big commute for me would involve getting up at about 4am and to bed at 11pm, couldn't exist on that amount of sleep. Will get more time to cycle when I'm retired and the kids are grown up all being well. As for the folks with no kids, the can have all their time, not as good as my time with the kids. Your life sounds pretty full to me.

If looking at what other people are doing is getting to you I would just stop using it/stop following other people and just log your own rides.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I am in the same boat too,
i work shifts and atm we are looking at around 2 hours overtime a day for the next 3 months and swmbo works part time so saturdays i have no time what with looking after the kids , doing chores then taking them + mini ck `s mate swimming .
Sunday i do try to get a ride in but very often family stuff will get in the way , it will be the 3rd weekend i will not be out for a "good " ride as aunt is flying in from Australia so im designated taxi and last weekend was a kids party .
Would i like to ride more ?, hell yeah but can you compare the time spent with your kids to being a bit thinner and a bit faster , i leave it for you to decide :smile:


Unless overtime becomes compulsory, I tend not to do it in favour of using that time to cycle.

We are far from minted in our household, but I value the time more than the extra cash these days.


Über Member
I suffer with 2 illnesses so I have gone from 4 50 milers a week to 1 40 every few weeks.

I think you're doing well at 150 a week. After work, add some miles on, tell the wife you are gonna be late once a week.
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