Bike fit for new bike?

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Hello all.
I will be upgrading to my next bike in the near future. I’d like to hear what peoples views on getting a professional bike fit are?
I’m 44 and more interested in longevity than out and out performance of the bike and was wondering if it might put my body/joints in the safest position to avoid wear and tear. Or would there be not much to gain regarding this area with a bike fit?


Are you a regular cyclist?

If so and your present bike fits you. I would measure all the contact points and transfer the measurements to the new bike. Try it and if it isn't right make very small adjustments.

Bike fits are great for those new to cycling returning or injured. But if you've been cycling for years you know what works and doesn't. Even riding my mates bike is traumatic despite being the same height🤣


Legendary Member
My own experience isn't positive. Despite supposedly taking injury into account it made riding with my own chronic injury more uncomfortable so I reverted to my own settings. Little point optimising the fit, improving efficiency and thus supposed strain on the musculoskeletal system if its so uncomfortable you can't ride for any real distance.

Then there's big issue with bike fits;

There are many competing 'systems', and most differ in at least small detail about the nuts and bolts of how sizing and geometry interact with the riders biomechanics.

They can't all be right, so which do you choose?

It's quite common for pro racers to mess with the set up, half an inch on the seat, a few degrees turn of the bars, whatever, because they feel compromised by the official fit foisted on them by the team.

Try it. If it works, great. You've lucked out. If it doesn't bring any tangible benefit then don't be too surprised.


Thanks for the replies. You’ve echoed some of my thoughts.
I’ve been riding a few years now on a mountain bike a family member kindly gave me during one of the early lockdowns. First ride out ended in a very stiff neck and sore backside! I fitted an adjustable stem to bring the handlebars up and towards me to put me in a more comfortable/upright position and I’ve had no issues since.
Most of my riding is on the road although some of the country lanes can be a bit rough in places.
I will be looking at a hybrid to retain that more neutral riding position.
I’m going to hire one out for a ride first though to see what the benefit could be.
It seems like a bike fit could potentially be a waste of money.
Perhaps I’ll see how much one is in the local bike shop first.


Kilometre nibbler
Try it. If it works, great. You've lucked out. If it doesn't bring any tangible benefit then don't be too surprised.


Some years back my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and on a whim I got a bike fit. This was with a guy who came highly recommended from a number of cyclists I knew. All in all it was a positive experience. He fitted wider bars which makes sense as I'm relatively broad. We had a good chat and tweaked a bit here and a bit there. There was some improvement I think. Nothing amazing.

But I do worry that it's all down to luck (and recommendation) that you get a good one. I suspect it's easy for an eejit to set themselves up armed with jargon and blagging with harmful results..
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